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WCVB sportscaster: 'Shameful' only starts to describe Curt Schilling

Josh Brogadir at WCVB said tonight the station learned a couple weeks ago about Tim Wakefield's battle with cancer but decided not to report it until Wakefield was ready to go public, out of common human decency. Curt Schilling, he continued, has no such decency.

This just adds to the list of despicable acts since he finished playing baseball.



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Should have stuffed a bloody sock in it.

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the lowest Schil can go, just wait a little.

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On Monday, he shared a post on his xtwitter (from another source) on “the Jewish question”:


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The dude owns a private collection of Nazi military artifacts and now he's sharing posts about the "Jewish Question"? Surely the salute he is practicing is just the Roman one and nothing else.

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iT's a HiNdu sYmBoL of pEaCe!!1

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Schill didn't exactly bring his fastball to talk radio in 2016 when Howie Carr Radio Network gave him his own Saturday morning talk show. It aired online a little while then quickly faded away. Number of radio stations opting to carry
it: zero.

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Was this not clear after 38 Studios?

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Also posted by Herr Schilling in the last week is some garbage about the "Jewish Question". He really is a sack of excrement.

I won't provide a link, but you know how to find it if you want to read it.

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It was good that Josh Brogadir and WCVB sat on the Wakefield story, but then they didn't.

At the end of the day, Schilling comes out looking like an a-hole on this, but that doesn't mean that other media outlets suddenly needed to talk about what is a private matter.

I typically watch WBZ at 11, admittedly I don't watch the sports segment, but in the past few days, the first 20 minutes of the broadcast has not mentioned anything Red Sox related. Federal shutdown, various acts of violence, the weather, but nothing about Sox alumni.

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It seemed like all of the Boston stations just reported what was said on Bloody Sock’s program, and then that was it. Radio silence until today…

(Yeah, Shaughnessy had to get his dig in on the Globe sports page, but he’s a once a week-er)

May Tim rest in peace without pain - his earthly presence is missed.

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in scripture that translates to "MIND YOUR OWN FKN BUSINESS!"?
If Schilling put out that very personal information about Tim and his wife in an act of asking for prayers for them, then he must be someone who follows scripture.
So, can anybody tell me if there's anything in scripture such as I put up?

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Which seems appropriate since the lug prefaced his remarks by saying he knew Wakefield didn't want the news out, but that as a supposed good Christian the lug knows prayer works:

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

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But I was really looking for something more akin to, in kinder language than I first posted, not broadcasting very personal details about your neighbor, especially if your neighbor wishes his personal details remain private.

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Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.

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