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Israel/Gaza war hits home at WBZ

WBZ studio building on Soldiers Field Road covered in red paint

Overnight, somebody covered the WBZ offices at 1170 Soldiers Field Rd. in Allston with blood-red paint and took the time to scrawl "Free Palestine" at one end. Monica captured the scene.

Boston Police report the spraying happened shortly before 1 a.m.

Red paint sprayed on WBZ building


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Looks similar to the graffiti on the building in Central Square which contains Elbit as well as several other tenants. Cleanup crews have been working on that all week.

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A whole lot of Americas are using it as proxy/cover for all sorts of issues they want to argue, most of which are only tangentially related to that region if at all.

Pro Tip: If you think there's a "good" and "bad" side to the Gaza war and/or think anyone is acting rationally in a good faith effort for lasting peace, you are sorely mistaken.

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I agree with your point that a lot of people are pounding the round peg of this conflict into the square hole of their preferred cause.

With that said, and agreeing that Israel is not an immaculate nation, it is rather easy to pick a side when one chooses to deliberately and brutally torture and slaughter defenseless civilians, let alone small children, the elderly, and infants.

If Hamas had elected to limit their attacks to uniformed forces and armed civilians, it would have constituted a huge humiliation of the IDF and one could argue a lawful act of war. The killing of civilians was not coincidental to military objectives, it was the whole point, as was the brutality of it. How does one make a good faith and rational effort towards peace with such an opponent?

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Obviously the Hamas attack was reprehensible and should be called out as such.

But I also find a decades long state policy of apartheid, escalating land theft and the penning in and now indiscriminate bombing of 2 million people (mostly children) pretty reprehensible.

Regardless of what you think of Israeli occupation and the various Palestinian factions, the much stronger occupying force has a duty to treat the weaker party with basic human dignity, even during armed conflict. For the past 20 years at least, they have not.

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If Hamas had put down their arms, there wouldn't be a war.

If Israel had put down their arms, there wouldn't be an Israel.

The choice seems pretty clear to me.

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Treating the weaker, occupied party with dignity is not "putting down your arms"

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Hamas has called for the destruction of Israel and the death or displacement of Jews irrespective of anything the Israeli government does. They are not interested in peace and will continue to fight until Israel no longer exists. They are vocal about this.

If I was an Israeli leader, I don't know what I'd do. I'd probably think anything that kept my people safe was justified.

I'm glad it's not a problem I face.

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Hamas has called for the destruction of Israel and the death or displacement of Jews irrespective of anything the Israeli government does. They are not interested in peace and will continue to fight until Israel no longer exists. They are vocal about this.

I guess if you consider "Hamas" and "the Palestinian people" to be synonymous, it's all pretty cut and dried to you.

If I was an Israeli leader, I don't know what I'd do. I'd probably think anything that kept my people safe was justified.

I agree with this, with the following caveats:
1)What Netanyahu is doing will not keep his people safe*
2)Even if it did, keeping oneself safe through acts that you know will harm innocents is, at best, morally questionable

*In Netanyahu's case, given his precarious situation (largely the product of his own venality), I'd say it's a tossup if Netanyahu sincerely think his actions are keeping his people safe, or if his actions and rhetoric are both cynically aimed at keeping his fundament in power and out of jail.

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Just like *we should have done* in this country after 9/11, I would attempt to understand the context and root causes, and provide some path for a state for the millions of Palestinians currently living under apartheid conditions. Throwing out the rule book and bombing everything in sight may weaken Hamas, but a new group will rise from the survivors with fresh incentive to continue the cycle of violence.

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More than once. They refused because it would require them to recognize Israel as a state.

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They refused

You speak as if there's a monolithic "they". It does make things simpler to imagine so.

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Hamas tried to negotiate with Israel for an agreement along 1967 borders. Israel is the one who refused.

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Israel has spent decades and billions trying to coexist. Hamas is literally dedicated to exterminating Jews and their homeland.

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These facts are not in dispute: Israel has spent decades and billions illegally kicking Palestinians off their homeland in the occupied territories. In fact, right now they are using the Gaza incitement to further accelerate the process in the West Bank, which is not even governed by Hamas. Is that "coexisting" to you?

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You mean the premeditated murder of hundreds of innocent civilians, right?

If your neighbor pledges to slaughter you, you put up a fence. If they jump the fence and kill your family, you kill the terrorists who ordered the murders. If the murderers hide among innocents and innocents are hurt in the process, that is on the murderers.

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Was I not clear enough when I said this earlier:

Obviously the Hamas attack was reprehensible and should be called out as such.

Don't dishonestly try to twist my words, CopleyScott17. And yes, it was an intentional incitement, which Netanyahu is now playing along with perfectly and stupidly. How do you think this ends?

And your term "neighbor" is also a little disingenuous, don't you think? My neighbor's family wasn't driven from their home by me and doesn't still live penned up next door. We did have the same problem with our Native American "neighbors" in the United States and the way we dealt with them was by committing genocide on a vast scale. I don't think that's a model Israel should be taking, do you?

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The actual reality is that exactly the opposite is true. The history of Israel is the history of expelling Palestinians from their land.

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I thought news stations are essentially open 24/7 at least the security aspect. How did or could they let this happen.

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Qatar has popped up lately in a couple of nice sounding posts. One where Qatar money went to buy a building in Boston. Another about a student wanting to study in Qatar is something along those lines.

Qatar's government policies regarding gay people is government sponsored personal terrorism. But that is Qatar, not Hamas. Although it is worth noting that the horror show of Qatari governance pays for the existence of the Hamas thugs.

What about Hamas and human rights? Hamas and women? Hamas and gay people? A cursory reading of articles does not paint a positive picture.

Nor does the fact that Gaza is home to far more people than can be fed and housed with consideration of quality of life.

I can not but help see Palestinians as pawns in the never ending warm war of Arab nations (none of which deserve any respect) against Israel. For all its faults Israel is still a nation where power is distributed as best as human beings under constant siege can manage. Arab nations on the other hand are run by religious fanatics, corrupt monarchies and royal thugs who seem to take pleasure knowing that parts of their population will be subjected to horror of torture, mental abuse and ultimately death.

So all the rage about Israel's treatment of Palestinians is another version of culture war rage. A rage seeing the world a game where there are only good and bad and refusing to recognize that the reality of life is far more complicated.

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For all its faults Israel is still a nation where power is distributed as best as human beings under constant siege can manage.

Yeah...they'd let the Palestinians vote in Israel's elections...oh, but if only for those pesky rockets.

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20% of Israel's citizens are non-Jewish Arabs with full civil, political, and voting rights. That's approximately two million people in a country approximately the size of New Jersey.

But yes, keep screaming "apartheid" as if you know what the word means.

Keep ignoring the fact that WBZ-TV Boston's studios, in Massachusetts, USA (5,470 miles from Tel Aviv) have jack shit to do with the conflict in the first place.

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What would you call penning up of millions of people in ghettos from which they cannot escape? The Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza cannot vote for their overseers. You know what would happen if they COULD vote? That's another 2 million in Gaza and 3 million in the West Bank and...uh oh...lets not think about that, right?

I'm pretty comfortable using the term "apartheid", as that's the same term nobel peace prize wining Jimmy Carter uses, and I suspect he knows better than Fredly on the internet.

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Must have surveillance cameras that captured the vandals in action.

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I find some of these targets confusing.

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WBZ should stop reporting the news from there as they have been and become a pure propaganda outlet for Hamas & their view of Palestine. That should satisfy whoever did this.


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They are the propaganda arm of the New England Patriots.

If the newscast goes more than 8 minutes without taking about the Patriots, I assume the station has been taken over by aliens.

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This act certainly will have us all convinced that Free Palestine is the good guy… I wonder which white rich kids with nothing in common with Palestine did this. I am going to guess Harvard students since many Harvard students now support terrorism and practice Antisemitism. I feel so bad for the Jewish community. What a shame all these wanna be freedom fighters trashing up our country and abusing Jewish.

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Your username tells me that we probably won't agree on much else, but politics makes strange bedfellows.

I see this vandalism more as a message to the residents of a certain, sizably Jewish, Boston suburb at the western end of Soldiers Field Road. These uninformed college zealots are shouting loud and clear at them, not to the State of Israel.

The fetid tides of anti-semitism are rising, these people plainly want to intimidate American Jews.

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Don’t let the username be a source of fear. I come in peace! Another comment was spot on about the culture war aspect. The people who are supporting “Free Palestine” (think of it as PLM instead of BLM) would be the same rich white kids/professors (maybe some Arabs in this particular fad) who get behind BLM, stop Asian hate, trans activism, Ukraine, gay pride, and whatever the latest greatest woke mob offers. I am glad to see the scale tilted too far as now some of you are waking up. These vandals don’t care about Palestine. They are lonely, cruel, and unreasonable monsters. I even firmly believe if Hamas attacked America this crowd would still support Palestine. Can’t wait until they are caught and we see their mugshots and learn they attend a local private college! When have you ever heard of a Muslim vandalizing like this? I’ll wait…

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BLM, stop Asian hate, trans activism, Ukraine, gay pride, and whatever the latest greatest woke mob offers

Anything republican doesn't like including simple human rights for non straight,white people is "woke". Says a lot, really.

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Pete ‘guilty until proven innocent’ X. That way people will know your general stance on things.

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Are you denying a direct quote belittling BLM, gay pride and other movements for basic human rights, or are you mad I pointed it out? I can’t figure it out.

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You think you’re making some grand point, but are confusing me for someone else. Stay angry though.

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The perfectly executed "I'm not mad, you're the one who's mad" meme.

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I would guess this wasn't students: most people under 30 are barely aware that broadcast TV still exists, let alone think of them as influential shapers of opinion.

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What a shame all these wanna be freedom fighters trashing up our country and abusing Jewish.


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I don't get this shite
[ Israel/Gaza war hits home at WBZ –https://www.universalhub.com/2023/israelgaza-war-hits-home-wbz ]
Sleepy Boston CBS affiliate along a small highway. I pass by there 4-5 times a week. That's an impressive piece of utterly stupid vandalism. (see photos). Usually it's neo-nazis outside there protesting. And state cops 'cooping' next door. There *has* to be surveillance video.

Begs the question: who did it and why? Teenagers? Can they even locate Palestine or Israel on a map? Dummies doing cosplay "protesting" on a Friday night.

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So many of these comments simply reek of the rancid bullshit that motivates right wing homophobes to say shit like "but Muslims throw gay men off buildings in Chechnya!" Be mistrustful of pearl-clutching from those who hate your guts but pretend sympathy because they hate your enemy even more.

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