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Man gets 10 to 12 in state prison for raping 13-year-old girl in Cambridge housebreak in 2000

A Cambridge man pleaded guilty today to three counts of rape of a child with force for an attack in a girl's bedroom that went unsolved for more than two decades, the Middlesex County District Attorney's office and Cambridge Police announced today.

A Middlesex Superior Court Judge sentenced Roger Reddick, 41, of Cambridge, to 10 to 12 years in state prison. The DA's office says Reddick still lived less than a half mile from the home he broke into in October, 2000.

According to the DA's office Reddick found the girl after breaking into her house:

In the early morning hours of October 18, 2000, a male intruder entered the victim’s home in Cambridge, where she lived with her mother and father. When he reached her second-floor bedroom, he rushed to the victim’s bed, covered her mouth with his hand, and ordered her to be quiet. The intruder repeatedly sexually assaulted her. During the attack, he specifically asked the victim how old she was, and she told him truthfully that she was only thirteen. When she saw an opportunity to escape, the victim ran out of her bedroom and screamed for help. The intruder followed her out of the bedroom, then ran past her down a flight of stairs and out of the house and into the street.

Police found a "latent fingerprint" on a jewelry box at the scene. In 2009, the DA's office says, "police were able to identify that latent print as having been left by the left middle finger of Roger Reddick, Jr. but did not have sufficient corroborating evidence to charge him at that point."

But in September, 2022, the DA's office re-opened the case and State Police crime-lab technicians were able to use advances in DNA sensing technology to develop a DNA record from a pair of green patterned men’s boxer shorts police had initially found at the foot of the girl's bed and on a pair of black work boots left at the bottom of the stairs. Fed into a national DNA database, the records matched Reddick's, the DA's office says.

Reddick was arrested March 30 of this year.

Following Reddick’s arrest, the District Attorney’s office obtained a court order for a buccal swab from Reddick for comparison purposes. Using that DNA, the State Police Crime Laboratory was able to conclusively link Reddick to DNA recovered from the green boxer shorts; to a swab taken from the victim at the time of the crime; and to the tongue and laces of the black work boots.



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Here's to a lifetime of reciprocal pain dished out by Bubba his genpop cellmate and then off to that special room in hell reserved for those that hurt children. This guy deserves all that is coming to him.

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That's hate.

Then he gets out in 10 years and ... see the problem?

Mayhem in jails doesn't advance the goals of a safe society or of creating people who can function safely in society. You want crime? You want brutality? Then by all means, cultivate it in the walls of a prison and then set it loose on society.

Just don't complain when someone who went in for shoplifting comes out highly deranged and kills someone you love, because that's the world you are creating.

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This man raped a child. Did you miss that part?

Your analogy is fatuous as the crime of shoplifting is not on the same level as raping a child plus we all know folks don't go to prison for shoplifting. They don't even prosecute for that around here.

By the way, we already have crime and brutality, just look around.

Don't want to risk being hurt in prison...don't rape a child.

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Delusional much?

I'd say she's spot on. Prison rape is rape. Extrajudicial punishment and vigilante "justice" doesn't solve any problems. All it does is provide gratification for some people's violent impulses under a facade of righteousness.

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And people who are treated with violence see that violence as normal, including raping again.

It really is that simple.

We have had a violent prison system for decades - it is part of our problem with violence and crime.

If your "way" worked, we wouldn't have people who go to prison for non-violent offences and emerge violent. Plenty of data on this if you choose to educate yourself, but you prefer to self-gratify with violent fantasies that solve nothing.

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Yes, the cellblocks at Souza-Baranowski are full of shoplifters. Fare evaders too.

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Swirly is the definition of virtue signaling but I do hate those murdering shoplifters.

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….you get mad at her for being right and attempt to make fun of her.

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Or do you actually think that the only people in prison are violent criminals?

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in medium/maximum security prisons? FFS, shoplifters aren't even prosecuted in the city of Boston.

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in medium/maximum security prisons? FFS.

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At least it’s only ever going to happen in your twisted mind….let’s hope.

Fortunately our justice system functions on reasoning several levels superior to yours and this conviction and sentence have maybe brought some measure of relief to the victim and all who care about her.

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I have no issue wishing pain on those that rape or hurt children as there is no lower form of life and they deserve no kindness for destroying a child's life. Call me what you please.

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