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Citizen complaint of the day: What's a large working-breed dog gotta do in this town to run around?

A disgruntled citizen with a large German Shepherd mix files a 311 complaint and a plea about the warning she got at Healy Field on Washington Street in Roslindale:

Recently, I took my dog to the Healy Field, so she could run around and let off some energy. My dog is a large German Shepherd Mix and since her breed is a working dog, she needs an area where she can run around a bit.

We’ve been going there for a few years now and prior to having her, I’ve seen dog owners take their pets to the park as well in the same manner. The dog owners and their pets are always respectful and kind, and it is common knowledge that when the children are playing (baseball games, etc.) they take priority; we always try to go on “off hour” so that we don’t interfere with the children.

As I was playing with my dog, an animal control officer came and gave me a cited warning in regards to having my dog off-leash. He told me that they are now enforcing a no off-leash policy for the dogs in the area. To say that I’m not annoyed with the warning, I would be lying, and I can understand the need to separate fields where people play vs where dogs play. However, there are no other areas near me where I can let my dog play safely. I live in Roslindale and the nearest dog park if searched on the internet is either in downtown Boston or in Dedham, which means I will have to drive for miles just to exercise my dog with no guarantee that I will have a parking space, or have the choice to take the MBTA, which is not reliable at the moment and quite honestly a hassle. Yes, I have noticed Mt. Hope Dog Park, but my dog is a large dog and that plot of land isn’t even enough for her to turn around and do her business, let alone to give her room to run.

If the city is enforcing these laws for dog owners, there should: 1) Be an announcement: Again these laws haven’t been effective in years and I’ve been living in this area for over a decade and I haven’t seen or heard of this happening. Just as the animal control services send out mail to license pets annually, they should’ve also sent out a courtesy mail or email about the city reenforcing these laws. 2) Direct owners to areas where they can take their dogs to play: The Animal Control Officer, although he was nice and respectful, just gave me a spiel about why they were giving out warnings, but did not give me a solution to the problem and that was not helpful at all. If they are going to issue warnings, then they should also have a pamphlet at hand to give to dog owners with more helpful information. 3) Provide safe spaces for dog owners in the neighborhoods to take their dogs off-leash: I don’t think it’s fair for the city to enforce these laws, but don’t have safe spaces to provide dog owners and their pets.

The very limited parks are near the busy streets and aren’t fenced - God forbids a puppy who’s in training runs into the middle of traffic! Again safe spaces for dogs of all types - large and small. Especially in the Roslindale area! Again, I do understand about sharing space with people and dogs and the health factors that are involved, but dogs’ health are important, too. I want my dog to live a long life and to do so, she needs exercise. Walks are great, but again, as a large working breed, she needs to run every so often and I can’t do that if I don’t have a safe or large enough space for her to do so. I understand that you might have many other dilemmas that you need to attend to, but I hope this message does reach the necessary person/people, and I really do hope that they take this issue to heart.

Paragraph breaks added by ye editor to increase readability.

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Municipalities are not obligated to provide a space of entertainment for your animal companion.

For all of you going to chime in that there is a park for kids, kids are humans, kids are not dogs. Once again, children are not dogs. They do not equate. Children are a continuation of our species. Your dog licks its privates and craps in bushes.

If there are to be public dog only parks, owing that they give people satisfaction, then legally the local municipality is obligated to build me my giraffe park since my pal Stretch gives me animal companionship like your dog and my giraffe needs to run around a lot. Stretch is leased too per the law.

A group of people in South Boston a few years ago needed parking for their personal vehicles. They formed a condominium and purchased a plot of land at the corner of G and East Fourth. They let the items which they purchased have their own space because the items they purchased give them satisfaction with no need to bother the general public.

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I think the other issue is that dog owners frequently don't advocate for their own space when a park gets redone, the way parents do for playgrounds, fields, etc

They seem to just notice there's no local dog park large enough for them and decide to defy clearly posted local laws because they chose to get a massive dog in an urban area. Do that if you want, but then consider advocating for a park for dogs - put in the work instead of letting your dogs off leash at a kids' sports field where they'll likely leave feces in the grass.

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As much as I don't agree with the OP on not enforcing the laws, I have to say that there has been a large group of Roslindale residents advocating for dog parks in this side of Boston. To say that they haven't been isn't even close to reality. They have been fighting for it for years, only to get pushback from certain Councilpeople or NIMBYs who are worried about having a dog park near them.

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I remember when Boston Common was a defacto dog park. The first spring thaw was especially aromatic. It was probably better with the cows.

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There are designated areas where dogs can run off leash. It works very well and the sight of dogs playing is a joyful one that many enjoy.

Dog owners are much more conscientious these days about scooping poop so it’s no longer a problem. Even in the the off leash areas.

Nowadays it’s the smokers, both tobacco and marijuana, who stink up the place. Cigarette butts everywhere too. At least the odd unscooped poop will decompose and fertilize the soil. Cigarette butts do not decompose and they leak toxins into the soils.

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Dog poop is not a fertilizer. The reason cow and horse manure make good fertilizer is that those animals are herbivores. Dog’s diets are very different. Most dog foods today are composed of beef, chicken and/or pork products. This creates a high acidic waste product that is not good for grass.

One gram of dog waste can contain 23 million fecal coliform bacteria, which can contaminate our waterways and cause illnesses in humans. Dogs are a very significant host of bacteria that is harmful to humans. These bacteria when left to their own devices will spread their way throughout your yard and house if you are unlucky enough to land in a mine.

Pick up after your dog!

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2nd social media post that makes me say "I'm out. I can't." So now I'm going to listen to an audiobook - at bpl.org. A great resource that Boston provides even though it is not obligated to provide it.

A big shout out to all the resources that the City of Boston provides now (Esplanade, Millennium, skate parks, bike lanes and trails, ....) and in the future ( ???.....)!

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They are sentient beings.

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Then again, you are childless so you wouldn't understand.

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… that you are even human.

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This is a very good post from Costello.

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… I’m childless?

Or that being childless would make it impossible for someone to understand why humans and dogs are different species?

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Master debater. What a rebuttal!

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For many, Pets are no different than any human relative

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Those of us with kids know that you don't get to let your kid take a steaming dump in the middle of a park, or walk away from the mess if they do. Or let your kids run over to strangers and climb on them, jam their noses in their nethers,threaten them aggressively, or bite them.

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Yup, no parent anywhere ever let their kid do any of those things.

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I'm sure your kids are exceptional in every day, a delight to all around them.

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What an odd thing to say, Costello

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One should consider the needs of a sentient being before acquiring one. Like "will my dog have the space it needs if there is no designated facility nearby?".

I fully support the existence and expansion of spaces for people to bring their dogs, but you don't get a large breed dog in the city if you don't have such a space nearby.

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My sentient being keeps OD'ing on fentanyl laced human deposited sidewalk logs.

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and at Umass Amherst in the 1980’s it was not unheard of for a human or two to poop in a bush.

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Big issue with dogs not on leashes: owners let the dogs loose and then turn their backs and look at their phones, while the dog takes a massive crap in the playground.

I've had unpleasant confrontations with dog owners in Boston and DCR parks doing this. Why do I have to watch where your dog shits?

The selfishness and solipsism is astounding. Dog owners who let their dogs shit in parks and on sidewalks should be put in stocks. Second offense, flogging.

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I wish more people applied this logic to parking, generally, and rid us of street parking entirely.

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I struggle to find open space for my pet horse to gallop around here in HP.

You live in a city, maybe reevaluate your decision to own a German shepherd.

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This is an issue all over the eastern end of MA. The writer was far from disgruntled and in fact gave sound and fair reasoning for their concerns. What use is it to bring such issues to attention, just to be negatively labeled as disgruntled? God forbid a solution is discovered for any of their valid points.

…and no. I have no idea who wrote it, nor does this issue impact me specifically. UHub has made 311 useless method of finding resolutions and twists it into “made for entertainment” product.

AND I’m someone who LOVES to call out a Karen when I see one! This just isn’t one of those until they claim them to be disgruntled. Stop trying so hard.

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UHub by covering silly 311 report is somehow impacting how the city reponds to 311 reports?

Buddy, check your pipes for lead.

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By highlighting a funny/annoying/interesting 311 complaint every other day or so, I have personally destroyed a system that receives tens of thousands of reports a year, thanks to the complete grip I hold on the reins of municipal power [insert evil, maniacal laugh here].

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for the meeting with my 311 minions to figure out what else I can ruin in 2024.

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I for one welcome Adamg and his 311 overlords.

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Complainer's own words:

To say that I’m not annoyed with the warning, I would be lying,


unhappy and annoyed.

(from merriam webster)

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The 311 caller is unreasonable in making seeping claims that dog owners are ALWAYS respectful. Of course that's not true, many dog owners leave poop behind and allow animals having poor temperaments to run wild.

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It’s too bad she doesn’t live up closer to the fells. There is a great no leash dog park there that big boy could enjoy

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There's tons of parking there too. She could drive there on a nice day!

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And is it fenced off?

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on the east-to-center side of the Fells and no, it's not fenced off. There is a fence between it and the reservoir trail (one one side) but it's pretty big space in general. Most people go to have their dogs play with other dogs or they have a long space to throw a ball in succession, if their dog is a fetcher.

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Unfortunately, it isn't fenced off and it is still a no-go zone for those who aren't into unleashed dogs with entitled brat owners running way out of their official area. At least it is now officially permitted if you want space for your dog to run.

I personally don't think that the F-dog psychos who demanded this, unofficially declared it, and then threatened to sue anyone seeking medical treatment for being bitten for "defamation" (and smearing anyone who did seek redress with pedophile allegations all over social media to the point of court action - like they did to my friend whose kid was chomped) should have been catered to/rewarded, but here we are.

At least the coyotes have created some natural consequences for dogs running loose (excuse me, "under voice control" from 1/2 mile away) in other areas of the Fells.

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The law existing IS the announcement

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Makes sudd3n enforcement appealable. The warning citation is the announcement. They could have done better.

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I've seen leash laws being enforced over at least the past few years, I think this is more a function of animal control getting more staffing and resources. Whoever posted this on 311 may have had a miscommunication with the animal control officer.

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IF they are going to enforce the laws about bank robbing they need to first announce it!
IF they are going to enforce the laws of not shooting people for not violating the speed limit in front of you ...
IF they are going to start enforcing the laws prohibiting breaking into your neighbor's house and throwing a giant party ...

Could go on and on.

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I like dogs, and the city needs more dog parks, but it's blatantly untrue to say dog owners are always respectful at Healy.

I have to step carefully to avoid dog poop when taking a shortcut across the field, and picking up unbagged poop from the sidewalk in front of my place is a regular chore. And then there's the little league field, which has prominent signs explicitly banning dogs, but is still used as a dog run by more than one dog owner. We have nicknamed the fence along the north side of the park "dog **** row" and shudder anytime a softball player chases a ball in there, it's full of poop, both bagged and unbagged.

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the pee remains everywhere, and it is disgusting anywhere it happens, particularly in public parks, where our human young play.

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I'm going to buy a koala bear just to complain about our lack of public eucalyptus forests

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What next? Parking rules, traffic laws?

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Space savers.

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to M Street park. Yuppies let their dogs run unleashed without Animal Control doing anything about it. The dogs can even dig holes and bite passing children.

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As my late Nana would say" Lord. Jesus help us"

I wonder if 311 employees even finished reading that? I barely finished.

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I'm always in favor of dogs being happy by being dogs. Animal Control should be Controlling the disease carrying rat population instead. Then I will be satisfied that my City Taxes and City Fees and City Interest is somewhat productive.

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That you wouldn’t want on the front page of the New York Times.

Well, don’t file any 311 complaint you don’t want on UHub.

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Just because your dog is a working breed doesn’t mean that it can’t be properly exercised with a walk. Take a longer walk. Jog with it along a path. I had a Newfie…they are huge working breeds…who was quite happy with her walks. I now have a mixed breed rescue terrier who is also never off leash and is also quite happy. Off leash is not a necessity, especially in a city. You’re the owner…burden is on you.

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Welcome to 2024 and the same enlightened attitudes that’ve prevented any progress between dog lovers & haters for decades. One thing is for sure - neither side is going away. We can look forward to a new year of dog poop, insulting each other, karens & kens, and zero action on permanent solutions.

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I don't disagree with your assessment, but what would a permanent solution look like?

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An obvious solution is to make an exception for every dog owner.

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My sister always took her Dog to Milkenium Park in West Roxbury. There are usually other Dogs there your can become friends with.

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The complainer has lived in the area for over ten years, yet knowingly adopted a large breed that is known for needing tons of daily exercise. Then the complainer complains about having to drive a few miles to give their fur baby the exercise she needs to stay healthy. THEN the complainer complains that the city has not preemptively sent out information that all city dog owners should already know or could easily look up online. Fortunately most dog owners are pretty responsible, but it is the ones like these that ruin it for all of the good ones.

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by making a 311 complaint. I would reserve that claim for the ones who leave poop (or poop bags) lying around.

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