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Can Newton do what the state couldn't and come up with an official seal that doesn't offend Native Americans?

The Newton Beacon reports Newton has hired a graphic designer - himself Native American - to come up with a city seal that does not show John Eliot proselytizing the locals. You may recall that a state task force spent three years trying to develop a new state seal before just giving up.

Ed. note: Yes, the name in the byline will sound familiar. Kidlet's got some writing chops.



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Way to go Kidlet! Adam, I remember when you posted about Kidlet coming home from school and finding out she got into Boston Latin. And now she's following in your footsteps! I feel happy for you, but also kind of old.

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Seems like Kidlet has reached adulthood. I was recently introduced to the word "kidult" and have been gleefully using it since.

Seriously, congrats Adam and Kidult - you definitely have reason to kvell!

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And props to your daughter, Gaffin. Good year for Gretas, even if the dolts at the Academy didn't recognize her for Best Director.

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I’m read this story expecting to think it was silly. I dislike the relish to forget where we’ve been, not to mention limousine liberals in Newton being so concerned with their constant virtue signaling…

All that said: changing the wording to “founded on Massachusetts land” is accurate and reasonable. Keeping the general shape of the design is reasonable. And phasing in the expense of new purchases is reasonable. All to evolve to a symbol that makes more sense moving forward.

Good for Newton. (Well written article, too).

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I keep reading the headline here as "Cam Newton doing what the state couldn't..." and thinking "did that year with the Pats really mean that much to him??".

Grats to Greta though...better headline there.

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A depiction of a fig falling on a 17th century scientist's head.

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What's a fig van Leeuwenhoek?

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Momentum ... same thing?

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The Native American designer puts himself on the Newton flag.

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