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Then and now: 46 Winchester St., Bay Village


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They probably all laughed at Milton Berle and Bob Hope in 1951:

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Lou Walters is Barbara Walters father.

She dedicates several chapters in her autobiography that came out several years ago about her time as a child and her father being a nightclub person in the 30s and 40s.

It was an interesting read about her and her relation to Boston's history prior to 1950.

I know she mentioned the Latin Quarter a few times. I wish I hadn't given away my copy of her book to someone.. that I never got back.. b/c now I want to re-read those chapters to see what she wrote.

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Where we can troll people who don't return borrowed books.

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I moved around the time I loaned it out. I remember it being in a box and moved. That was the last time I remember seeing it.

I remember lending it to someone but who I cannot remember.

The other thing is.. I had two copies of the book. One I was going to give to my grandma but she died before I had a chance to give it to her. Now both copies are gone.

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The parking lot was developed in the past two years.


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...not to be confused with the two different unconnected segments of Edgerly Road, the public streets in the East Fenway.

Navigating Boston is such an adventure:-)

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I should've paid attention to the "2020" at the bottom of the Google Street View, grrr. Next time, I need to not be so lazy and actually go take the photo myself.

Thanks, I've left up the street view, because it was that way for such a long time, but added in a link to the condo project.

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I think, from the angle of the photo and where the piano stores are, it's more likely the edge of the common, no? obviously across the street from the garden though...

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It's four blocks from the Public Garden (corner of Arlington and Boylston) - not super-long blocks, but it's certainly not "the edge of the Public Garden".

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Was the Mayor an etymologist?
Also who put the burly in burlesque?

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What exactly was her "act"? I recall Jorgensen from talk shows in the 1960s and found her to be interesting and, indeed, a pioneer. But what did she do as a nightclub performer? I don't remember her having any hit records or anything like that.

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Her theme song was "I Enjoy Being a Girl" from Flower Drum Song

I and a bunch of my title 9 girls refused to sing that in Junior High because it was so freaking awful, but I get how she might have embraced it.

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Do you know when the building was razed and why?

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It looks like the Welcome Center was on the Common, at the corner of Charles and Boylston. The buildings on the right of the photo are on the south side of Boylston, across from the Common, in the area called "Piano Row". The large one with the Steinway sign is the old Steinert Hall, until fairly recently home to M. Steinert & Co., piano retailers.

Google StreetView today, photo from June 2018:

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