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Opposition rises to a Papa Johns in Fields Corner

The Dorchester Reporter delivers the news that Fields Corner Main Streets is leading a battle to keep a Papa Johns franchise out of a vacant storefront in an area that already has several pizza places. The group says that anybody truly desperate for a Papa Johns pie can get one delivered via Uber Eats and that what the neighborhood really needs is a place that doesn't duplicate what's already available.



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I see no benefit for the neighborhood from this type of corporate exploitation.
Good luck to them!

Voting closed 46

There was already a papa johns a mile down dot ave nearish to D Bar and that one closed well over a year ago. We don’t need another attempt, especially as fields corner and this area of Dorchester is like 30% pizza places.

Also f’ that racist dbag ceo.

Voting closed 50

Didn't that close like... 10 years ago? maybe it's 5. Definitely more than 1 or 2.

Anyway, I say let 'em open their little pizza shop. Let the market decide! (it will decide they are unwanted and it will close in less than two years)

Voting closed 28

Why should they wait two years to get something that may benefit it better

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Isn’t that what the free market does.

I agree that if the neighbors don’t want it, it will fail (don’t care for them myself) but why should some NIMBY neighborhood association decide for everyone.

Voting closed 24

… neighborhood concerns are ignored?

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needs is a place that doesn't duplicate what's already available

That's not entirely true. While I haven't sampled all of Fields Corner's pizza, I can almost guarantee you that Papa John's will not duplicate what is already there. Rather, it will be significantly worse.

Voting closed 62

Back when pretty much the only businesses on Centre Street were pizza places, funeral homes and banks, Papa Johns opened in the then new Roche Bros. plaza. They lasted maybe a year.

Voting closed 28

So what are they going to open there instead? A yankee candle? A vegan spinach machiatto bar?

Voting closed 30

So what are they going to open there instead?

Any other kind of food than crappy pizza?

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Considering that according to a little insider info, the Adams St. Dominos is considered within the company as one of the chain's worst stores.

But Papa John's is indeed worse than that.

Voting closed 19

I'm not a Papa John's fan, but how could they be worse than (cardboard with sauce) Domino's?

It always amazes me that in Boston (and really all of Eastern MA) where there are SO many decent local pizza places, why anyone would order Domino's? Just too damn lazy to walk/drive 2 blocks to the local place?

Voting closed 21

…. for their fine palates, are the ones I know of asking for Dominos.
Also, a big marketing campaign.
Otherwise, beats me.

I’d sooner eat the box it comes in than the actual “pizza”.

Voting closed 19

I found myself perusing the Domino's menu late one night where the only other option was "don't eat until breakfast", and it seems like there's always some absurdly cheap option on the menu. Having succumbed once, I will not do so again. It was inedibly bad, as bad as the worst frozen pizza I've ever experienced. Compared to Domino's, Blaze is haute cuisine.

Voting closed 15

Another battle against pizza places?

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Papa John's.

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