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Roslindale bar gets warning after two patrons collapse from snorting fentanyl-laced cocaine in a restroom that was supposed to be closed

The Boston Licensing Board yesterday issued a warning to Napper Tandy's, 4187-4195 Washington St. in Roslindale, for a Dec. 5 incident in which two guys playing pool went into a men's room that was supposed to be closed to snort some coke, then came out and collapsed to the floor - one as EMTs and firefighters were already on hand to help the other - because their powder turned out to be laced with fentanyl.

The warning goes into the bar's folder and could mean an actual sanction should the bar be cited again for a license violation - in this case overdoses on the premises.

At a hearing on Tuesday, however, bar owner John Jacobs said he has taken steps to make sure that won't happen. To start, he replaced the manager on duty that night. But also, he said he's installed locks on restroom doors - patrons now have to get a key from a staffer - and installed a new camera system - and database to alert workers of people who have been banned from the premises. Referring to the two guys who were transported to Beth Israel, he said, "these people obviously are no longer admitted.

According to a police report, the two men were playing pool around 9:40 p.m., when first one, then the other, went into the men's room despite an "out of order" sign. They didn't close the door, so other people in the poolroom - including some off-duty bar workers also playing pool - "appeared to motion as if they were snorting drugs in the bathroom."

Jacob said an on-duty bar worker then went in and told them to get out, and they did and went back to playing pool. But then one collapsed. The bar called 911. Firefighters and EMTs arrived and as they were giving him Narcan, the second man started to collapse as well. He was helped to the floor by the first responders. After both were revived, they were taken to the hospital.



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Shades of the Happy Hour....poor guys, sad to see.

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My heart breaks for criminals who don't respect posted notices on private property.

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Place is a dump.... Will never darken the door there after a horrible experience with an as$h*!e bartender... Can't believe it is the same ownership as Eugene O'Neil's which has great bartenders...

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Do help me understand how the business owner is responsible for two clowns doing drugs in a bathroom?

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Maybe you should read the licensing documents the owners signed, willingly. The answer you seek is right there. Public information, even.

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They get locked in a cage for selling alcohol.

This is an elite comment section. Pedantry and explaining the rule of law are beneath the quality standard.

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Or they can just learn to lock a door.

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> They Don't Have to Sell Alcohol, at All

...do you not know what a "bar" is?

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A place selling liquor without a license?

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You are talking about what the law says. The OP is talking about what is right and what makes sense. If that's hard to grasp, see if you can find a seventh grader to explain the difference.

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Had an "out of order" sign, yet two men were able to go in and snort some coke.

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I repeat the question. Restroom could only be accessed with a key. Person with key unlocked it. Was that person supposed to know that drugs were about to be done? Not everyone is obviously intoxicated when they go to a restroom.

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The door requires a key now, a change that was made after the incident.

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Zero responsibility.

So somehow even though the guys ignored the OOO sign and went into the bathroom the bar is somehow responsible for them snorting drugs?? Incredible

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It's hard to see what the bar did wrong here. Unlike, say, a gun, a little baggie of coke in someone's pocket isn't likely to leave an outline visible through someone's clothes. By the account given here, it sounds like the bar staff threw these two patrons out more or less immediately after realizing what they were doing, but they had no way of knowing that was going to happen beforehand. So effectively the bar is being penalized for its staff not having X-ray vision or the power of prophecy.

For that matter, we have laws in this commonwealth (https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleXV/Chapter94C/Sect...) that say, effectively, if you call 911 for someone who's ODing, and (as is likely) you have some drugs on you yourself, you can't be charged with possession. The idea is to make it more likely that people will survive overdoses, because their buddies will be more likely to call the authorities promptly if they're not worried about going to jail for doing a good deed. I bring this up because, if a bar can get in trouble for something like the present case, maybe next time somebody ODs in a bar the staff will decide they don't want the trouble and they'll carry them out to the back alley to die outside.

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Fritz, Club Cafe, Ram Rod, Sporter's, 119, Manray, Paradise, Bobby's and other (especially Faneuil Hall/Financial District) establishments for providing such bathroom bump friendly environs during the 80s, 90s and 00s.

I'd also like to thank the Academy...

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If only Terry offered table service down there.

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I'm trying to imagine how it's news to some adults that people do drugs in bar bathrooms _kind of a lot_. Sheltered lives I guess.

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How was the place open for business if they didn't have adequate restroom facilities?

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Let's see ... we've got two boneheads who effed around and effed out. And we've got Citizen Nannies who believe that there can be no circumstance in which we are actually responsible for our own actions.

In both cases, I blame bad parenting.

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