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Pickup driver plows into front of Brookline dance school, possibly after hitting other cars

Firefighter walks by pickup in window

Firefighter walks by pickup in window.

Matt Wunderlich captured the scene after a driver plowed into the front of the Brookline Ballet School, 1431 Beacon St. in Brookline around 4:40 p.m.

He reports the space luckily seemed to be empty at the time - and that other cars were damaged:

Car with extensive damage
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That will keep them on their toes

Voting closed 13

Brodozers will brodoze.

Voting closed 53

That’s a base model Toyota work truck. See the crappy rims.

You literally need to buy that by custom order or from a dealer that sells commercial vehicles.

Voting closed 42

iT wAS a MedICAl emERgenCYYYY

At least you're focusing on the important stuff

Voting closed 43


Then who here is clueless? I cycle because it is a better way to get around, and I know that it is better because I've driven a lot.

Voting closed 31

Ya I ridding a bike all across Boston while growing up. But now I’m an adult so a prefer my vehicle.

Voting closed 15

But now I’m an adult

You're an adult and you produce text like "Ya I ridding a bike"?

Voting closed 9

Your origin asinine comment. You tried and failed to claim this was some bro driving his cool truck. When in reality, it’s was likely someone in their 50s driving a company work truck.

Voting closed 20

I don’t think I’d call that ‘cycling’.

Voting closed 18

Commuting on an e-bike is probably the best application of e-bikes I can think of. Besides (yes, I'm defending swrrls, not that she needs it), she has probably ridden more non-ebike miles than you have on your R8.

Voting closed 19

It’s long gone though (I have a problem) and has been replaced with a 911. I got sick of the dual clutch auto and wanted to row my gears again before they’re gone.

Commuting on a tradition bicycle is way more green than an ebike and way better for you too!

Voting closed 13

There is a significant part of the population that calls them Cowgirl Cadillacs

Voting closed 31


Voting closed 32

Well aware that women drive pickups, dearie. Can't miss that growing up in actual rural areas, instead of the redneck cosplay suburb that you live in.

I started driving my grandmother's '68 Chevy Truck when I was 15. I got to drive some interesting backroads as she'd take us to visit my Uncle Don or Aunt Bib in the coast range and flip me the keys. This was before GPS, honey - had to read maps and know the way.

It had a third pedal and a numbered thing on the steering wheel that would mystify you, no doubt.

Voting closed 25

Well aware that women drive pickups, dearie.

Of course, you are. So, what's with the "bro" comment? Oh, that's right, you want it both ways. Got it.

And we are all well aware of your JD Vance upbringing. You never fail to mention it when you need it.

Proud member of the Manual Gearbox Preservation Society here.

Voting closed 17

You've got to understand, cars are going to hit you.

Voting closed 68

Abby Lee Miller, fellow Trump felon

Voting closed 17

Why they insist on putting dance studios so close to traffic. What the hell did they think would happen? Of course the dance studio mob is going to come crucify me. They should feel lucky the rest of us tolerate their little dance studios in the first place. Just stop shoving it down my throat.

Voting closed 54

Was the dance studio wearing a helmet?

Voting closed 49

They may have done that but there were headphones found within a half mile, so ...

Voting closed 29

Maybe he was late to the Copley library

Voting closed 18

Let those who haven't simultaneously texted, watched a YouTube, entered a new GPS destination, assembled a fajita, and called into a Zoom meeting while holding a steering wheel between your knees cast the first stone

Voting closed 77