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Strolling the Neponset River animalway

Snake along the Neponset Riverwalk in Mattapan

Bobby Boyd went for a walk along the Neponset River Greenway in Mattapan and Milton the other day. Among the things he saw was a snake resting in a tight space on the Milton end of the Harvest River Bridge, a goose of the non-Canada variety near that and a pair of deer on an islet in the river between Central Avenue and Capen Street.

Goose on Neponset Riverwalk
Deer on Neponset Riverwalk


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Thamnophis sirtalis, the eastern garter snake. It's recently been discovered that this harmless snake actually has a mild venom that it uses to subdue its prey.

Voting closed 31

Both commonwealths use the Eastern Garter Snake as the official reptile.

I watched one eat a juicy worm in the Middlesex Fells over the weekend.

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Anecdata, but I'm seeing a lot more deer than I'm used to seeing at this time of year, especially in broad daylight. Drive safe, folks.

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My city's Facebook site received its annual posting by a gobsmacked resident with a pic of a bodacious milksnake, asking if somebody lost their pet snake.

They were informed, as usual, that Milksnake is a fren who eats rats and mice and brings all the boys to the yard.

First week of June, milksnake pics soon.


Voting closed 24