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Mistrial declared in case of woman charged with murdering a Boston cop

WCVB reports on the mistrial declared today in the second-degree murder case of Karen Read, charged with ramming her then boyfriend, Boston Police Officer John O'Keefe, with her SUV and leaving him to die in a Canton snowbank. The Norfolk County DA's office said it would re-try Read, whose attorneys say O'Keefe died at the hands of his fellow officers.



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Would've been interesting to get theories and opinions on social media.

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That's the simple take-away.

Read belongs in jail, regardless - as do many of her cop friends who think drunk driving is a privilege.

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And agreed that most of this cast of characters could use some time in jail.
And not just for OUI.

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License to kill was in effect.

The bare minimum needed to get a jury to convict for killing someone with a motor vehicle would be clear video and/or highly reliable eye witness statements plus a clearly proven blood alcohol content, well beyond the legal limit, taken right after the killing. That would give the prosecution a chance.

She even returned to the scene and confessed in front of witnesses:

Prosecutors relied on several first responders who testified that Read admitted that she hit O’Keefe — saying “I hit him”

I don't see another trial making a difference, especially since she's a conspiracy theory celebrity now.

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she returned to the scene and said those words, and while in a totally calm state.

Surely she is the level headed type, and not the sort to catastrophise or naively repeat a plausible story... while in shock over a death, and still drunk.

The woman who spoke those three words definitely could only have said them in the context you presented.

I'm not saying she didn't do it, but you're the one characterizing her words.

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Wasn't the only thing the prosecutors relied on though.

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plus a clearly proven blood alcohol content

Proven in the morning 8 hours after she left the party. There's no way to prove she didn't drink a lot after getting home, which means her BAC at the time of the guy's death cannot be proven.

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Even ignoring the fact that the few people that claimed she did, did not report it until much later in their ever changing testimonies, NO ONE at that scene behaved in a way that someone confessed. Those injuries are not from getting hit by a car.

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"I hit him" may not have been an admission, assuming she actually said it.

Now, I think she hit him, accidentally, while driving drunk, in a snow storm, and didn't realize it, but I can imagine that when she went looking for him and found him, she was thinking that there was a good chance she hit him and said as much, but there's no way she was straight up saying that yes, I hit him last night, then went home and proceeded to text and leave voice mail messages to him saying how pissed I was at him to cover myself, then returned to the scene the following morning to view the body in an emotional state even though this was my plan.

The whole investigation of this crime was so bad that I sometimes understand why people think there was a coverup and that O'Keefe died another way.

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It was crazy how many times this brought about MCV references. I went into it thinking she did it, but I came out of it thinking not guilty. I do think it was an accident. My Auntie instincts have me feel a little protective of Trooper Paul. He was so new to the role and never should have been tasked with reconstruction, at least on his own. This probably dashed any desire to continue on that path.

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Don't need your sympathy. Save that for poor people and sick animals, not people who make six figures to bully civilians for sport.

Always ask: Who are these people protecting, and what/who are they protecting them from? Who asked for the help?

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Both the prosecution and the defense dealt in outlandish theories.

Can’t wait to hear text messages read out loud again in a few years time, assuming the feds don’t drop anything in the meantime.

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It got truly outlandish when they dropped the animal attack into the mix. A possible canine attack no less.

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It is an interesting question as to why the dog was put down shortly after O'Keefe died. Then the Alberts sold their house.

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the dog was rehomed

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So another trial so the local news media, excluding this site of course, will be salivating on every word in the next trial like she did this one.

Wondering why this case got so much coverage outside of the fact that she allegedly killed her cop husband. Oh and she's a pretty white lady.

Can't wait to avoid local news when the second trial hits.

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that I worked so hard not to learn anything about. The moment I saw that awful Turtleboy shitheel was somehow involved, I thought, "I'm out."

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wish I had.

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Legitimized him.

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Fuck that ugly troll.

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Apparently, he left a message for Trooper Proctor in which he introduces himself as "award-winning journalist Turtleboy."

I don't recall Mike Wallace having done that. You have a point. Apropos that Turtleboy is a frequent Howie Carr guest - two men who are tools, but the reason *isn't* that I disagree with every single thing that they say and believe.

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He won best blogger in Worcester. The contest is voted on by readers. He told his followers *not* to create emails to vote for him multiple times.

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being on the right side of a story for once. I'm still not following this one, so I don't really know.

But he has a long history of being a gigantic (right-wing racist) asshole, a hate-filled, punching-down bully. He will never get a pass on that in my book, whatever his alleged virtues in this case.

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Turtleboy is a douche and Karen Read is innocent. It seems to me that most people who think she's guilty just hate Turtleboy. The evidence just isn't there.

The CW's theory that she was driving 24 MPH in reverse for 60 feet (impoosible), hit O'Keefe's outstretched arm which caused her taillight to shatter (but no blood DNA in tailight well), spinning O'Keefe around in a 360 and then shooting him some 30 feet in the air like Inspector Gadget is preposterous and outright lol funny.

Not to mention inconsistent testimonies, 10+ mysterious butt dials, incestuous relationships with local and state PD, a re-homed dog, a ripped up basement in a house that was later sold and real expert testimony from PhD crash reconstructionists (hired by the FBI and DOJ due to an on-going Federal Investigation) who say her car damage and his injuries are inconsistent with a vehicle strike means Karen Read is innocent.

The investigation was so bad that the police never even thought to search the house where he was found. If a dead cop was found on any our lawns, wouldn't you expect it to be searched?

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The lexus recorded that information. Many people have died by car without bleeding on the car. There was DNA on the car.

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The Lexus recorded that the accelerator was depressed at around 75% or so at some point that night. They don't know when because Trooper Paul doesn't know how to record key cycles properly. 24 MPH is what they determined would have been the speed if that 75% was done in reverse, which they don't even know.

Has anyone died by a car strike without bruising? Broken bones? Apparently, John O'Keefe did.

Yes, DNA. He could have touched the tailight at some point in the days or weeks beforehand. There was no blood DNA which is odd considering the tailight supposedly ate his arm.

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Do you have an alternative interpretation of the Toyota Stream?

Isn't it weird that the defense didn't even give their fbi experts that digital information?

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Trooper Pauls testimony. He owns the commonwealths theory as the expert crash reconstructionist. He messed that up.

The defense doesn’t have to give anything to the FBI, it’s supposed to be an independent investigation. That’s why their testimony was so important

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but how can they reconstruct the cars movements without the toyota stream?

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Then I realized it was shining a bright light on our dysfunctional police departments and toxic townie culture.

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Why it took a grandstanding muckraker to make it clear to everyone, I don't know.

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