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311 complaint of the day: Roslindale's darkest pedestrian tunnel

Light-bereft tunnel from Belgrade Avenue to Fallon Field

A concerned resident filed a 311 complaint, along with the day's moodiest photo, about the lack of lights in the pedestrian tunnel under the Needham Line tracks between Belgrade Avenue and Fallon Field in Roslindale.



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This issue has been going on for years. Last I heard, there was a struggle between the MBTA and the Parks Dept about whose responsibility it is to maintain the tunnel.

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did the picture come from a lightless phone???

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Good spot to walk a spider dog.

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There's a light post in Fallon Field across from the end of the walkway - the walkway is ~190 feet long, ~70 feet being tunnel - but none looking over the walkway's Belgrade Ave end.

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“the day’s moodiest photo” belly laugh!!! Thx

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So take it up with them.

Your best bet would probably be to get in contact with your state Rep or Senator and see if they can twist some arms to get the T to put in some lighting.

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If there were light in the tunnel then you'd have to see all the broken glass and urine.

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It’s a liminal space.

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But if you put a light there, you ruin it for generations of kids who have come of age as underage drinkers in either that tunnel or its sibling up the road by Bellevue. Decades of pee and bad decisions exist in those spaces.

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There are a few other undertrack pathways that are in bad shape as well.

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This looks like a scene from "The Exorcist: Believer".

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Ok good I wasn't the only one who thought this resembled the movie poster for The Exorcist.


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Who is ACTUALLY the owner of this overpass and thus responsible? Come on, all bets welcome, do I hear MBTA, do I hear MassDOT, do I hear DCR, could it be the dark horse option and actually be the City?? Yes, ma'am, we will take your 20$ and place it on Eversource, why the fuck not.

Hahah fake question, it's our long time friend, Sir Nottus.

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Unofficial Belgrade pedestrian tunnel rankings from First to Worst

  1. McGraw St. - This one is a no-brainier. Good bagels + well lit + someone routinely paints over the graffiti.
  2. Fallon Field - Sure, the lighting could be better and there are occasional drainage issues that turn it into a pool. But the graffiti is limited and there's a nice park on one side.
  3. Ainsworth St - It's not even close. This one is dark, covered in graffiti, littered with beer cans, and at risk of being taken over by surrounding weeds. I've actually started avoiding it after dark while walking the dog.

Agree though that it would be nice if someone took responsibility for these tunnels.

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