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Flu in your face

Got hands? Put down that milk!The Boston Public Health Commission is going all out to warn/inform people about the flu.

The commission's just set up an e-mail/text alert system to keep you up to the minute on the spread of flu across the city. You'll have to choose which group you belong to (from "businesses" to "residents").

The commission also has a set of downloadable posters that are just the thing for taping to lunchroom/bathroom walls about how to reduce flu transmission (such as sneezing into your sleeve instead of onto co-workers).

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I smell an awesome Google Maps/iPhone hack! Track everybody with the flu around you! Watch out for those little sneezing guy icons on the map! THERE'S A WHOLE TRAINLOAD OF 'EM COMING ACROSS THE LONGFELLOW! LOOK OUT, RED LINE!!

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Outbreaks Near Me - brought to you by Children's Hospital and MIT.

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There but for the grace of God...

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I wish the new flu posters rhymed like the MBTA courtesy counts ads.

Gotta sneeze? Cover your mouth, please!

Don't be a swine! Wash your hands everytime!

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An adorable elderly woman with a droopy face about to sneeze:


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There is one in that series about covering coughing ... I just forget what the text is.

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Do not go to work or school if sick. Stay home when you are sick. It is recommended that you stay at home for 4 days after you first get sick or for 24 hours after your symptoms have gone away, whichever is longer.

Is there anyone with a boss who WOULDN'T kill them for taking the whole week off every time they came down with something? (I'm thinking of otherwise healthy people here of course, not people who really do need to take extra precautions.)

IMAGE(http://eeka.net/2inchgoodbetter.jpg) http://1smootshort.blogspot.com

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It's a little easier to not get killed by a boss after a lengthy absence due to illness if you bring a doctor's note. Of course, this means actually having to (gasp) go see your doctor, so anyone who's really just looking for a good excuse to have a 4-day vacation is gonna have a hard time once they return to work.

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