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How do you compile a list of movies to watch on Labor Day without a single one involving labor unions?

Miles Grant notes the odd exclusion in a Globe list of "10 movies about work to stream this Labor Day weekend" - they have "Monsters, Inc.," but not anything like, oh, "Norma Rae" or "On the Waterfront." Fortunately, people of a more labor-ish bent on Labor Day have Deadline's list of "15 Movies About Labor Unions And Strikes."

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Harlan County USA.

Voting closed 33

Where is "Matewan?" That movie blew me away, though I admittedly only saw it once, when it first came out. May be time for a rewatch.

Voting closed 33

I don't think this is just history blind stupidity by poorly taught younger writers. They are most certainly working hard to rep for it and undermine the alternative without directly endorsing Trump. WaPo is JAQing off ... NYT is seriously regarding mass deportation as an affordable housing policy, and now this from the Globe. At least WSJ came right out and said they would prefer the simplicity of fascism.

Let's all sing along with Billy this weekend and remember what butters our bread and brings us roses:

Voting closed 47

just history blind stupidity by poorly taught younger writers

That's exactly what it is. The Globe's "best of" lists are the work of the youngest people who come up with their lists from reading Yelp reviews and doing Google searches for "movies about jobs". Their editors aren't much older and don't care. The stories are cheap and get clicks and that's the #1 thing the management cares about.

As for the NYT, etc being in the bag for Trump, these papers are so fearful of criticism that they are being partisan that they feel inclined to be more critical of democrats than republicans. The editors feel if they publish a negative story about Trump, they've got to do the same for Harris "in the name of fairness". That means they focus on minor things the Harris campaign is doing (since there's no equivalent) and hold back on Trump.

Edit: I'll add that disgust of the NYT is one thing that the far left and far right have in common. Both sides thinks the NYT is corrupt, biased, and a merely a political operative. Both sides also think the NYT is way, way more influential then it actually is. NYT, WaPost, etc simply aren't that important.

Voting closed 36

How do you explain a story about economic policy that takes sweeping raids, internment camps and mass deportations cast as an affordable housing policy at face value?

Prominently featuring an op-ed urging democrats to nominate Mitt Romney?

Anything the ol' bedbug writes?


Sorry, but this is the way that creeping fascism creeps. This isn't any attempt at even handed anything - this is an inside job.

Oh, and if you think Bezos and the WaPo wants anything other than oligarchy, I have a bridge to sell ya ...

Voting closed 40

I must have missed it.

These companies are businesses and occasionally printing an op-ed by someone with stupid, controversial views (Bedbug Stevens) is a good way to keep people talking about your newspaper, as evidenced by this discussion. If it was an editorial instead of an Op-Ed, you could at least say it's an official viewpoint of the owners. And even then, Romney is not a fascist. Lets not let that word lose it's meaning.

If you want to claim Bedbug represents the owner's preferred views, why do they keep all the centrist and left leaning op-ed writers on staff?

NYT has printed some real trash over the years, no question, but it's a tiny percentage of their output. At most you can accuse them of wanting to maximize their number of subscribers which comes from being talked about constantly. Mother Jones only wishes they were cited as often.

Voting closed 27

I haven’t seen it.
And what’s JAQ. Mean please?
Thanks. And Solidarity!

Voting closed 12

JAQ = "just asking questions!"

The article is behind a paywall - and it looks like a firestorm of criticism on social media has resulted in "edits", but it is still evaluating the "plan" as a serious economic policy idea, rather than a wholesale human rights violation proposed by an unserious ticket and something the Nazis and nativist US administrations already tried.

Here's the reaction from Daily Kos with the quotes and a link to the original article that may not be paywalled: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/8/30/2266785/-The-New-York-Times-s...

Voting closed 21

Good grief, that article is horrible.

If it werent so serious I'd laugh at the snake oil salesman Trump selling deporting migrants as the snake oil panacea to cure all that ails the US.

Housing crisis? Check!
(Nonexistent) soaring crime rates? Check!
MAGA? Check!

I'll give the felon credit for one thing- he knows his base.

Thanks again.

Voting closed 25

You are not wrong.

In oligarchy we trust.

E oligarchia unum.

Voting closed 10

They are typically written by underpaid newer writers who do a quick google search and use whatever they find because they aren’t paid enough to spend more time doing research.

Voting closed 4

A number of the films on the Deadline list are not exactly pro-union (On the Waterfront, for one.)

Voting closed 28

No On The Waterfront?!?!

Voting closed 14

However, not exactly a very pro union movie

Voting closed 5

An inevitable result of “Clintonian Triangulization.”

Too many of us are passive, entitled consumers.

Trump didn’t take away Roe, we were too comfy on our sofas when McConnell sniffed the winds and dared to block what was Obama’s right. The mood of the people was too quiet. We should have brought everything to a standstill. We didn’t make enough noise. What’s more, was the notorious RBG suffering from arrogance and avarice, or did she have no faith in the DNC to step down?

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...would the DNC have to do with Supreme Court nominations?

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Also the anniversary of Bell’s Riot. ‘Past Tense’

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Trekkies will be watching Deep Space Nine today.

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Comfort the comfortable and ignore the afflicted

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Visit Dennis Hartley's Den of Cinema: https://denofcinema.com/lord-i-am-so-tired-top-20-films-for-labor-day/

Matewan, Harlan County, Norma Rae, On the Waterfront, and many others are all there.

Voting closed 7