A concerned resident files a 311 complaint about the owner of a Nissan Versa apparently permanently parked on Weld Hill Street in Jamaica Plain:
This car has been abandoned/unmoved in front of 52/50 Weld Hill Street for weeks now. Someone is responsible for it as they keep getting parking tickets that are removed and placed on the passenger seat, but the vehicle has not been moved. Please tow.
Ed. note: The car is parked just a few doors up from where the infamous tiger-headed lemonmobile was parked for months in 2021, also piling up tickets, scrawled demands it be towed and, yes, a stuffed tiger's head that somebody attached to its roof.
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Does it not get towed for street cleaning?
By peter
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 10:30am
How does it not get towed during street cleaning?
There is no street cleaning
By anon
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 11:12am
There is no street cleaning in this neighborhood. (well, once in a while they send a sweeper truck, but it doesn't do the parking lanes).
Cars aren't moved for street
By anon
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 11:15am
Cars aren't moved for street cleaning on that group of streets. They are always clean however.
Many streets don’t have
By anon
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 11:19am
Many streets don’t have street cleaning at all. I think typically one-way streets that only have parking on one side or would otherwise make the weekly shuffle an especially burdensome dance for the parked cars. That said, Weld Hill does have parking on both sides so I’m not sure what the criteria are, but at any rate it does appear to be a no-cleaning street.
Not all streets have that
By tachometer
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 11:31am
I just did a quick Google Streets flyby and didn't see any signs for that, only resident & no parking zone ones.
We don't tow for Street cleaning in my neighborhood
By Friartuck
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 1:00pm
But I did get a $90 ticket once for sleeping in
Except for street cleaning, I
By KimSangjin
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 10:32am
Except for street cleaning, I can go weeks without driving my car. But that parking job deserves a ticket for sure.
Weeks means 1-3 weeks, right?
By Zhu Hengpeng
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 11:27am
Weeks means 1-3 weeks, right? Otherwise I would imagine the complainer would say months. What is that they get a ticket for by the way? It looks like a typical parking job.
Someone is responsible for it
By anon
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 12:50pm
So its not abandoned?
maybe they working from home and taking their bike / T / uber a few days a week?
Flat tire
By Grant Gould
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 1:08pm
Take note of the front right tire, which seems to be a spare and also flat. I'd guess the car and its owner are in a somewhat distressed state.
Is it bothering people?
By anon
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 1:17pm
Back in the day, JP didn't have Karens. Being a Karen (regardless of ideology) is a bougie thing.
The city doesn't appropriately deal with the gangs, open drug dealing and violence, even downtown, and homeless on the streets all kinds of weather. But anything to do with car parked on a street with tickets gets some people easily triggered.
Hold that thought
By adamg
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 1:23pm
You do realize we're talking about 311, right? There are certainly other channels for reporting, oh, criminal activity and the fact that people are reporting seemingly abandoned cars, trash, etc. on 311 hardly means the city is ignoring other issues (I mean, it seems like you think it is, OK, but just because somebody uses 311 for its intended use doesn't make that case).
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 1:28pm
Oh please. There are people here who lived in the area 40 years ago and we remember the surveillance. Every neighborhood had busybodies who lived to monitor street activity - and report private activity - as if they were in charge.
I had a coworker living in JP in the 1980s who had a neighbor who would call the cops because her boyfriend stayed over night and "they weren't married and that's illegal". This sort of crap wasn't uncommon pretty much anywhere in the area.
Tell your special memorywashed nostalgic stories somewhere else.
I would pay money
By Sal Paradise
Thu, 10/17/2024 - 8:37am
To read a book of these weird stories (from the 1980s and beyond). Sometimes I feel like people haven’t changed at all, history repeats itself, etc etc. But I am obsessed with the small, everyday weirdnesses
Once the tickets
By what what now?
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 1:19pm
add up to $500, the car gets the boot.
This is incorrect information
By Lane Straddler
Wed, 10/16/2024 - 11:46am
The grounds for getting booted/towed is not financially based... It's delinquent-based.
It's 5 delinquent tickets.
Delinquent=22 days.
You can have 4 old tickets and one new ticket; they won't tow you.
But once you have 5 old tickets, you get added to the list.
Trust me, I know...I gamed the system for a couple years.
BTD considers any car left on
By Ben Starr
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 1:22pm
BTD considers any car left on a street in excess of 72 hours to be a violation. Not enforced except on busier streets.
Mostly true
By Lane Straddler
Wed, 10/16/2024 - 12:00pm
They seem to make certain unspoken exceptions...
One very notable one is they tend to check the registration to see if it lines up with the address. If the car is registered to the address it's parked next to, they tend to leave it alone...
Until a "Karen" makes a big scene about it for months.
I know this because I had an old Volvo parked out front of my apt for months without moving it. My neighbor's kept filling 311 reports about it being abandoned... But btd always responded that it was registered to the address. That didn't stop my ahole neighbor tho... They just escalated the claims by LYING about it and threatening to get news stations involved. They claimed it was leaking fluids and was unsafe for children to be around... All complete lies. After several months, the town decided to tow it... No valid reason.
That same neighbor also grows weed on his triple decker rooftop abutted to the catholic elementary school, between Seymour and Poplar Street.
How do I know which neighbor it was you ask.... I know because he was stupid enough to post pics of my car, on 311, from his front 3rd fl porch.
Wait for the inspection sticker to expire
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 1:26pm
Then it gets really expensive.
But why are they being ticketed at all? No sticker? If it is too far from the curb then pushing it closer is an option.
Inspection sticker
By what what now?
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 2:14pm
I live on a dead-end street, in Adam's direct neighborhood. Adam may know exactly where.
One of my neighbors has a nice BMW that has been sitting in front of his own home since last winter, never moved.
There is a broken windshield, the hood is out of alignment from some accident and the car is keyed badly.
The inspection sticker expired this past April and the registration in March. Because it's a dead-end street, there is rarely ever any BTD visits.
If this were any other street, that car would get two $40 tickets every day. I've seen it done in Allston.
As well, we have street cleaning here but no signs. No sign, no towing.
I wonder how this BMW situation is going to play out.
I could lodge a 311 complaint but the owner is my neighbor, so I don't want to be THAT person...
If Adam knows the street I refer to, go have a look. Right near the end of the street.
But really
By Sock_Puppet
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 9:36pm
You should be putting a picture of it up on 311 so Adam can write about it, no?