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Republicans: Lynch only conservative when compared to Barney Frank

Red Mass. Group explains why he'd be a liberal almost anywhere else in the U.S.


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If Lynch were elsewhere, he probably wouldn't be a Democrat. He'd likely be a liberal-ish republican of the sort one sees coming from Maine or NH or Oregon or other state where there is a balance of power and traditional party platform.

Then again, the Republican party seems to be imploding these days. Lifelong members who were drawn to economic conservatism and preservation are reassessing their affiliations in the wake of GWB's fiscal incontinence and the takeover of the party by rabid squirrels.

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Red Mass Group is just reminding it's readers that the Republicans may in fact put up a qualified candidate for Ted Kennedy's senate seat.

Red Mass Group doesn't want MA GOP voters to grow too attached to Lynch's record of 1) voting for the Iraq war, 2) against the bank bailout, and maybe 3) against health care reform with a public option, as well as his 4) anti-gay marriage, and 5) anti-abortion positions.

Jeez, what does it take to be a Republican these days?

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Lynch can't be a Republican becuase he is pro-union.

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Bank-bailout notwithstanding, is Lynch conservative or liberal?

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Me, for instance. I strongly preferred letting all the big banks fail (good riddance, Bank of America) and then breaking up the remains into the small local and regional banks that existed before all the mergers happened (hello, NewBayBank).

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And here I thought he was a conservative Democrat.

Look, Dem's have enough problems getting good progressive and liberal bills through congress.

Replacing a pragmatic progressive heavyweight, with a economic liberal, social conservative seems like a lose lose.

Sorry, but Lynch just won't represent the interests of the state as a whole and is better suited for in his house seat.

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Well then, let him run for Senate from somewhere else in the US. My representative _is_ Barney Frank, who is not nearly so liberal as I would like him to be, so I want a Senator to be significantly more liberal than Barney Frank currently is.

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Barney frank is only considered to be such a liberal because of his sexuality, in my opinion.

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It's funny to me reading the blogs since he drew nomination papers how Lynch is being villified by both sides.

Conservatives criticize him because he's a former union president.

Liberals like to point out how he voted for the war, just as VP Biden and Sec. of State Clinton did. They also criticize him voting against TARP but so did a lot of democrats, and I feel rightfully so.

I feel like Lynch is getting unfairly characterized as being inept recently.

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You can decide for yourself whether the criticism Lynch is taking now is fair or not. So can I. I have a problem with him sitting on the fence with health care reform.

Lynch says he is "worried" and "afraid" that the public option will not deliver on the promise of creating deflationary pressures on health care costs over time. He spent the summer reading HR 3200 and studying it with the help of congressional research and health care specialists in government. He should consult health care economists and decide whether Public Option will or will not have the desired effect. Instead, he taken the position of deciding only after a HCR bill comes to the floor. It's bunk.

Lynch is not going to find the answer to his question about whether the public option has that effect by staring at his navel in Southie or talking to his family about running for Senate.

Lynch owes it to his constituents to finish his research and answer our questions.

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I'm sure he doesn't feel like he'll find the answer staring at his navel in Southie, as you put it.
I agree he has to come off the fence soon in regards to this issue. I wonder if the address wednesday night will have any effect on him.
He's read the bill and I feel he's being honest about his concerns. This will be a historical piece of legislaion and he's reviewing it carefully. I'm glad my Congressman reads the bill and weighs the consequences before he votes.

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Honest about his concerns? He has stated that "he is afraid" and "he is worried" about a lot of difference aspects of the bill but he has also stated he will not answer questions about his support until the final bill reaches the floor.

He's read it. He reviewed it. He's studied it. He's consulted with subject matter experts on it. He's had it for two months while Congress was on break and he still doesn't know what he supports and what he does not? That's "incredible."

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