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Woman shot in the arm on Shawmut Avenue near Ramsay Park

Around 9:30 p.m. A suspect spotted and chased by a Boston Housing Authority police officer was stopped on the other side of the park on Washington Street at Newcomb.

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Seeing as Ron Neuman hasn't commented on this thread -- no one has --, and noting that it's been over 24 hours since Adam posted it, and knowing that if I do many more comments are sure to follow, and knowing that clicks are what drive advertizing rates, and finally that higher advertising rates benefit the proprietor, here goes:

[float=right]IMAGE(http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u129/KameronsMamma/gun-1.jpg)[/float]www.MayorsAgainstIllegalGuns.org has proposed Federal legislation that would help get illegal guns off the streets. Ask your Congressman, Senators and neighbors if they support it.

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this is spam!!! i don't care if you think it helps adam make a living. that's bullshit. new rule: anyone caught spamming, even a month after the post on posted, loses their account. that's fina!!!

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I would suspend you, if not ban you entirely.

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Which reminds me - I need to buy a gun today. Thanks!

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Forget guns, what't Hizzonah doing about chicken sandwiches?!?

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