So wrong. How many, if any, of these gang members do you think will benefit our safety if they are not locked up? It's so easy for them to get stolen guns, too, and continue to move crack, cocaine and heroin. It sucks when you worry about how to save your own kid from these terrorists preying on them .
I live in the heart of the violence, respond to it and when needed managed its horrific ugly results. Prevention and Intervention.
What exactly do any of you talking heads do to off set the violence in our great city. Please hush.
The only thing I'm dreading
The only thing I'm dreading with the warmer weather (like today) is that it is more dangerous to go out and enjoy it .
Gangs should be..
Tried as 'homeland terrorists.'
What about the other crimes
Locking people up is not always the solution to crime or justice. Smh at the unlearned.
So wrong. How many, if any,
So wrong. How many, if any, of these gang members do you think will benefit our safety if they are not locked up? It's so easy for them to get stolen guns, too, and continue to move crack, cocaine and heroin. It sucks when you worry about how to save your own kid from these terrorists preying on them .
I live in the heart of the violence, respond to it and when needed managed its horrific ugly results. Prevention and Intervention.
What exactly do any of you talking heads do to off set the violence in our great city. Please hush.
Anthony, operatively..
Define 'other crimes' and further develop how your view point is 'learned' and mine not.
In my humble opinion, anyone who uses terms the likes of 'smh' is right of the bat, 'retarding' their potential to be seen as intelligent...
Lmao at hurts feelings. Don't worry, you will be just fine.
It's been very, very busy
It's been very, very busy this evening. Area B (Roxbury/Dorchester/Mattapan) have had several calls for shootings.
- local cop
hot block
This can't be the first, second, or even third time I've heard about something going down on Ellington street.