Man hurtling down I-93 pulls out loaded gun in road rager, State Police say
State Police charge a Fall River man responded to some affront while on I-93 yesterday by pulling out a loaded gun and pointing it at the car driven by the person who allegedly offended him.
Responding to a call by another motorists, troopers stopped Gary Moniz, 64, near the Columbia Road exit in Dorchester around 3:30 p.m. State Police say they found "a loaded 9mm Beretta handgun in the vehicle," with a total of 20 bullets. Moniz did not have a license to carry, State Police add.
He's scheduled for arraignment this morning in Dorchester Municipal Court on charges of illegal possession of a firearm, illegal possession of ammunition and assault with a dangerous weapon.
Innocent, etc.
Been a while
Take it away, Skynyrd:
Hand guns are made for killin'
They ain't no good for nothin' else
And if you like to drink your whiskey
You might even shoot yourself
So why don't we dump 'em people
To the bottom of the sea
Before some ol' fool come around here
Wanna shoot either you or me
Made me think of the Dead Milkmen
If I had a gun
Would I wear it in a holster?
Would I keep it concealed?
Would I put it on the table
Every time that I'm misdealed?
When I hear a nearby gunshot
When I'm up at night alone
Would I feel a little safer
Here in my urban home?
If I had a gun
Meanwhile he still has a
Meanwhile he still has a driver's license and the keys to a 2,000lb+ deadly weapon
Contact your local rep and
Contact your local rep and get a movement going to file a bill suspending a persons drivers license for illegal gun offenses. Or anything else you deem fit to take a persons license to drive away. I'd rather just lock the person up but that's probably not going to happen either.
I should sue him
I got stuck in the traffic behind that (we saw him handcuffed in the breakdown area with the staties) and there must've been a collision too because there was a bunch of debris in the road. Later at home we found one of our tires half deflated with a screw in it. That bastard!