Police: 14-year-old already on GPS was tooling around Washington-Beech in Roslindale with a loaded gun in his underwear
Boston Police report arresting a Dorchester 14-year-old at Roslindale's Washington-Beech development on gun charges Monday evening.
According to police, a security guard reported a person with a gun on Beechland Circle around 6:20 p.m. When officers arrived, the guard pointed them to a car just leaving the street, and said the person was in the car:
Officers stopped the motor vehicle and approached in an effort to speak with the occupants. As additional units arrived on scene, the rear passenger suddenly fled from the vehicle. Officers gave chase, apprehending the individual a short distance away at 59 Beechland Circle. During a frisk of the suspect for weapons, officers located a Taurus G2C 9mm firearm loaded with six rounds of live ammunition which the suspect had attempted to conceal within his undergarments.
The kid, who was also wearing an ankle bracelet GPS device, typically only ordered for people involved with the court system, was charged with unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of ammunition, carrying a loaded firearm on a public way and possession of a high-capacity firearm, police say.
This is rather scary!
Kids are getting much more feral and more dangerous, at a much, much earlier age.
It’s been this way
For a long time.
That's true enough, THE_WIZ, but
it's gotten much, much worse now.
Has it really?
I punched in
Every day at Bromley Heath, Lenox, Franklin Field and Cathedral for 8 years.
Take your data and hold it tightly!!!
worse lately?
Or just the recency effect? I suspect the recency effect.
Doubt it
If anything seems seem to have gotten, much, much better at least of the past 30-40+ years.
What? Maybe if we had more pro social programs (soft skills programs, job development, trauma relief, etc) we wouldn’t have this issue. Please never refer to a young person who’s brain hasn’t even fully developed as feral ever, ever again.
Mark Wahlberg was a drug dealer before age 16
Then he amped up his resume to include racist (pre hate crime) attempted murder charges and look at him today.
"kids are getting more feral and dangerous"
Citations needed.
Maybe they should find out
Maybe they should find out where the guns are coming from. Oops, they're basically not allowed to because ridiculous restrictions on the ATF prevent them from tracing weapons in a timely fashion!
You'd have to be pretty irresponsible to give a kid a gun, or to sell guns to someone else who would give them to kids, but don't worry, in this country you will never be caught unless you are the poor sap at the end of the line holding the weapon.
So it's all gun's fault?
I had no idea guns are now self-aware, with self-aiming sights and self-pulling triggers.
The bigger problem
This kid's family can't manage him, for whatever reason (working multiple jobs, etc.).
If he's already on a bracelet and pulling this shit, child welfare needs to be involved and some solution providing for constant supervision is in order if this kid can be put on a better path. It clearly isn't going to happen at home.
Yup. The feral person who
Yup. The feral person who bought the gun legally then reported it stolen only to sell it on the streets comes out of this clean. Which happens A LOT by the way.
People should be required to
People should be required to have liability insurance for their firearms. What the fuck is a life worth? You should have at least that much coverage per piece or turn them the fuck in. That would solve your problem RIGHT QUICK.
It would be worth introducing
It would be worth introducing a bill that did this, if only to see the reaction from the NRA and their trained poodles in the legislatures.
The officer became suspicious
When the youth seemed overly happy to see him.
Well ...
Having raised two boys I don't think that would be an unusual look for any 14 year old boy.
Shite happens
Evidently he’s mad that summer job didn’t come thru.
Just getting his shit together
At gunpoint?
When you discourage 2 parent households
and there is no father at home, these things are going to happen.
*rolls eyes*
And who would you say is discouraging 2 parent households, exactly?
The 1980's called
They want their racist talking point back.
I think it has a little bit
I think it has a little bit more to do with poverty than not having a dad. I know plenty of wealthy women who chose to have donor babies and all those kids are doing fine.