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Man shot to death on Ellis Street in Hyde Park, around corner from where another man was murdered last month
By adamg on Mon, 12/14/2020 - 1:15pm
Victim identified as Storlen Webster.
Boston Police report a man was shot at 10 Ellis St., around 7:30 p.m. on Sunday.
He was taken to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
On Nov. 16, Bolivar Soto, 20, was fatally shot at 18 Church St., the next street over from Ellis.
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Any idea...
Why the police are in riot gear?
Also RIP the victim and love to their family.
It’s tactical gear,
It’s tactical gear, appropriate to wear to a shooting.
why police in riot gear
Probably for protection !! I amazed how quick people are to judge.. If that was your house or neighborhood I bet you want them there to do there job which nowadays sucks because society shows no dam respect. There are a few bad apples everywhere even with drug dealers and gang bangers .But to answer your question shot fired , what should the be wearing Bermuda shorts and t-shirt and try to compromise with these scumbags. I a Hyde Parker born and raised and still here!!! You should be asking or saying thank nobody else was hurt and they did a great job. Many families live on that street with kids and elderly parent and were not hurt because of BPD ..So quick to be anti police ! I am anti piece of shit scumbags i am sure this person wasn't on the way to be anything but a strain on society..