This isn't all that regional -- the 1970's radio hit "Convoy" mentioned a "Cab-over Pete with a reefer on, and a Jimmy hauling hogs." (a Peterbuilt with a refrigerator unit and a GMC hauling livestock.)I must admit though, that it's pretty embarassing that I can remember that....
Nuh~ah!!! Reefah... hehehe NOT a fridge. You may appreciate a fridge after some Reefah :)My Boston accent is wicked thick. I sound so fake when I try to pronounce my Ah's. lol R's. Boston culture totally rocks!Peace out! C'ya lata! :)
I certainly know "fridge" but this can be used in British English as well. Most common in my family was the "ice box". We actually HAD an ice box in the proper sense "up country".
Yah, DEFINATELY NOT a 'fridge!!!Not in my family. Not in my town (from down th' Cape) and Not in my lifetime.Mos def hit some reefuh, then check out what's in th' 'fridge!!!Then move on out to the kegga up the street!!!Take off to the Pahty in the Woods, then book it from the cops.Great Memories, Great Moments!!Hava Good One!
My dad (from Lexington) says this and my brother and I tease him unmercifully about it. I think you've got to be over 40 (at least) to have this in your lexicon. No one my age from around here says it.
My dad (from Lexington) says this and my brother and I tease him constantly about it. I think you've got to be over a certain age (40?) to have this in your lexicon. To younger people, it means pot.
im from lexingtonnot a big place at all for boston accents buti have never heard reefer referring to anything but marijuanadont come to lexington!its too much drugs!
Reefah is pot or marijuana, definitely not a refridgerator, that's the fridge. I grew up in Ahlington and Summaville and everyone got wikid good reefah from the rich kids in Lexington.
re: Reefah
By ck
Sun, 05/16/2004 - 8:43pm
Well this could be something that some high school kids smoked too....
re: Reefah
Thu, 05/20/2004 - 11:43pm
This isn't all that regional -- the 1970's radio hit "Convoy" mentioned a "Cab-over Pete with a reefer on, and a Jimmy hauling hogs." (a Peterbuilt with a refrigerator unit and a GMC hauling livestock.)I must admit though, that it's pretty embarassing that I can remember that....
re: Reefah
By Jaleia
Mon, 05/31/2004 - 10:43pm
Nuh~ah!!! Reefah... hehehe NOT a fridge. You may appreciate a fridge after some Reefah :)My Boston accent is wicked thick. I sound so fake when I try to pronounce my Ah's. lol R's. Boston culture totally rocks!Peace out! C'ya lata! :)
re: Reefah
By asdfasdaf
Mon, 06/21/2004 - 12:03am
reefah = cocaine
re: Reefah
By sarah
Sun, 06/27/2004 - 11:39pm
yeah, never heard a fridge refered to as "reefah" (RI) it is something you smoke.
re: Reefah
By Gary
Thu, 09/16/2004 - 7:21am
My dad calls a fridge a reefah. He's from West Springfield.
re: Reefah
By zvel
Sun, 09/19/2004 - 10:00pm
ck:haha true that
re: Reefah
By Kris
Thu, 09/23/2004 - 2:46am
A "reefah" is a joint (pot). "fridgidair" is what my grammy says. Mostly we just say "fridge".
re: Reefah
By raymond
Tue, 09/28/2004 - 5:25am
I certainly know "fridge" but this can be used in British English as well. Most common in my family was the "ice box". We actually HAD an ice box in the proper sense "up country".
re: Reefah
By S
Wed, 07/20/2005 - 3:35pm
Yah, DEFINATELY NOT a 'fridge!!!Not in my family. Not in my town (from down th' Cape) and Not in my lifetime.Mos def hit some reefuh, then check out what's in th' 'fridge!!!Then move on out to the kegga up the street!!!Take off to the Pahty in the Woods, then book it from the cops.Great Memories, Great Moments!!Hava Good One!
re: Reefah
By impropernewtonian
Thu, 08/11/2005 - 6:19pm
My dad (from Lexington) says this. My brother and I tease him unmercifully for it. I think you've got to be over 40 at least to say this one.
re: Reefah
By impropernewtonian
Thu, 08/11/2005 - 6:21pm
My dad (from Lexington) says this and my brother and I tease him unmercifully about it. I think you've got to be over 40 (at least) to have this in your lexicon. No one my age from around here says it.
re: Reefah
By impropernewtonian
Thu, 08/11/2005 - 6:23pm
My dad (from Lexington) says this and my brother and I tease him constantly about it. I think you've got to be over a certain age (40?) to have this in your lexicon. To younger people, it means pot.
re: Reefah
By meg
Wed, 10/26/2005 - 10:20pm
im from lexingtonnot a big place at all for boston accents buti have never heard reefer referring to anything but marijuanadont come to lexington!its too much drugs!
re: Reefah
By Danny Bramwell
Thu, 03/30/2006 - 4:08am
the "frig" is far more common
re: Reefah
By Samantha
Wed, 11/29/2006 - 10:13pm
even the song goes "smoke the reefah" so obviously ya cant go smoke a fridge
re: Reefah
Fri, 03/23/2007 - 8:08pm
Reefah is pot or marijuana, definitely not a refridgerator, that's the fridge. I grew up in Ahlington and Summaville and everyone got wikid good reefah from the rich kids in Lexington.
re: Reefah
By sir jorge
Mon, 02/25/2008 - 5:50pm
I agree, not a refrigerator. I am assuming people still refer to pot in this manner, but am not certain.
re: Reefah
By Al Kirsch
Mon, 06/30/2008 - 11:29am
I first heard "reefer" in this sense from my Indiana girlfriend back in the 70's.
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