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By adamg - 6/20/08 - 3:20 pm

Joel Brown reports on the museum's re-opened Fenway entrance and new visitor center, which reporters, employees and big donors got a tour of today - and which everybody can see for free on Sunday:

... My favorite part of the Fenway project is "Day and Night," a two-part sculpture by Antonio Lopez Garcia, which has been outside the Huntington doors for a few months and flanks the re-opened Fenway entrance. Even [museum honcho] Rogers refers to the sculpture as "the giant baby heads," which sounds hilarious when he says it in that plummy accent of his. The sculpture adds an odd, arty, irreverent tone to the scene, which helps set off the forbidding monumentality of that face of the museum, with its 22 Ionic columns, each 36 feet tall. The baby heads are only 8 feet tall, and weigh about a ton and a half each, but they make a dramatically wacky statement in their present position. Kudos to Gail and Ernest von Metzsch for the gift. ...

By adamg - 6/5/08 - 4:28 pm

Geoff Edgers repors on a dispute between people in wheelchairs and the museum. The museum says that, effective this week, it will, upon request, send a contractor out to help somebody in a wheelchair get through the construction zone.

By adamg - 4/1/08 - 6:40 pm

Geoff Edgers explains their meaning.

By adamg - 9/18/07 - 8:33 pm

Thomas Garvey: Have the folks singing State Street's praises actually seen the monstrosity Malcolm Rogers is planning to build?

... Admittedly, the State Street moolah will only fund the $500 million monster indirectly - but really, if it was ever appropriate to "starve the beast," this is just such a time. ...

By adamg - 8/30/06 - 10:46 pm

Joel Brown is shocked, shocked that a newspaper in Idaho misspells the name of the street the MFA is on.

By adamg - 8/27/06 - 9:03 am

Larry Davidson was enjoying the Americans in Paris exhibit when the PA started blaring an emergency was underway and everybody had to leave the building:

By adamg - 5/30/06 - 6:18 am

Andrew Watson and clan spent yesterday checking out gardens - in particular, the Fenway Victory Gardens and the Japanese Garden at the MFA - where they ran into a toddler restroom issue. No, not with the toddler in question, but with an MFA employee who told Watson he could not bring his two-year-old daughter into the men's room to wash her hands:

By adamg - 3/19/06 - 5:57 pm

On Pelican In Her Piety, Jason says go see the Hockney exhibit:

... It was one of the best special exhibitions I have ever seen and is certainly one of the best exhibitions the MFA has put on it a very very long time. Perhaps the reign of Degas, sailboats, and Ralph Lauren's cars is over. ...

Bill Ives says the Facets of Cubism exhibit is worth seeing:

By adamg - 3/13/06 - 12:38 pm

Proving once again that truth is stranger than fiction, a Rhode Island lawyer wants the MFA (and other museums) to sell off Persian antiquities and hand the proceeds over to victims of Hamas terror attacks on the theory that Hamas is partially funded by the Iranian government, and that government is the rightful owner of the artifacts.

Via Joel Brown.

By adamg - 2/10/06 - 3:44 pm

Be of Be Be Re finds it sad that the Museum of Fine Arts has resorted to things like tapa-and-cosmos singles nights to draw in the younger crowd. Setting aside the issue of whether lower admission prices might work just as well, she writes:

... Give me the old Free Wednesday Nights in the East-Asian wing where a girl could get picked up without pretense by a scruffy guy clutching one from Mishima's oeuvre interrupting her reverie over wood grain patterns in block prints to ask if she was into knot-tying. ...

By adamg - 11/7/05 - 10:18 pm

Moxie and her boyfriend escort a female friend, seven months past her divorce, to the MFA's First Friday singles thing:

... It was really loud and crowded. The shark tanky behavior of the men didn't make T feel attractive, it just made her sad. Lunchboy stepped up and tried to take her on a scouting mission, but they ended up retreating to the America's Cup exhibit because T loves boats and the boats made her happier than the men upstairs. ...

By adamg - 11/4/05 - 7:41 am

John isn't thinking so highly of the MFA's impending addition or its architect, Norman Foster:

... If you've seen the design, and know a bit about architecture, you quickly realize he's basically just taken leftover drawings from his work at the British Museum, added a couple of extra frames of glass, and pawned it off as something new.

By adamg - 8/30/05 - 5:04 pm

Joel heads to the MFA to for a press conference and exhibit tour by Bill Koch, the latest rich guy to lend the museum some of his favorite expensive things:

... I was reminded of the scene at the end of "Citizen Kane" where the great man's vast and jumbled lifetime of acquisitions is being packed up after his death.

By adamg - 6/25/05 - 11:01 pm

Jennifer takes in the Ralph Lauren car show at the MFA with a friend. Damn, cars are hot:

... I'm seriously considering becoming a millionaire just so I can get me some cars like that. Jen practically had to restrain me from licking the Porsche 550 Spyder. ...

By adamg - 4/24/05 - 6:49 pm

MFA Jewel BoxMarc is not at all upset that the construction schedule for the MFA's proposed $385-million addition seems to have slipped by more than a year:

... It's another entirely forgettable, vaguely irritating design of straight lines and cubes, and the best that can be said of it is that some of it is glass. ...

MFA background info on the expansion.

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