The Dorchester Reporter reports the Neponset River overflowed its banks and flooded Milton station on the Mattapan Line this morning, forcing the Milton Fire Department to send firefighters in a raft to rescue one trolley's driver and six passengers.
Update: Body may have been that of a South Boston man missing since November.
State Police report that divers recovered a man's body from the Neponset River, off Granite Avenue in Milton near the Neponset Valley Yacht Club, around 11 a.m. Read more.
State Police and Boston Fire Department divers today recovered the body of a 60-year-old homeless man reported missing Monday morning from a homeless encampment near where the Mother Brook meets the Neponset River in Hyde Park. Read more.
The Dorchester Reporter reports state environmental officials have ordered the developer of 3.6-acre project at the tip of Dorchester's Port Norfolk, where the Neponset meets Dorchester Bay, to come up with plans to reduce the impact of the proposed residential units and marina.
The Boston Conservation Commission this evening is scheduled to review state plans to turn what is now a large grass field and poison-ivy-infested woods along the Neponset near the Shops at Riverwood into a new park with trails, a river observation platform and a performance area. Read more.
The Neponset River Greenway Council reports the Greenway Trail in the Cedar Grove/Granite Avenue area could flood at high tide around 11 a.m. on Sunday, Monday at noon and Tuesday around 1 p.m.
Brianne Fitzgerald took a walk along the Neponset this morning.
This egret had been standing in the marsh along the Dorchester side of the Neponset River, near the bridges, when either it realized there just wasn't anything to eat there or got tired of the small black birds that kept flying right over him, so it took off and didn't stop until it got all the way to the other side of the river.
The Dorchester Reporter reports on today's official designation of the 3.7-mile stretch from the Mother Brook in Hyde Park to Boston Harbor, due to elevated levels of polychlorinated biphenyls from decades of the river's former use as a dumping ground for a variety of factories along its banks. Read more.
There were a couple of interesting mushrooms yesterday on the path to the canoe launch on the Neponset River at Paul's Bridge on the Milton/Hyde Park line, one looking like it was trying to detect alien radio signals, the other like it had been designed as a piece of folk-art tableware. Read more.
The State House News Service reports the federal EPA yesterday formally proposed making the Neponset River, from Dana Avenue in Hyde Park to Dorchester Lower Mills a designated Superfund hazardous-waste and cleanup site due to the large volume of PCBs in river silt and the difficulties of trying to recoup costs from dozens of sites responsible for the contamination on one of the nation's oldest industrial waterways.
In its proposal to designate the river, the EPA says: Read more.
Drew sent his camera aloft for views of the lower Neponset in Dorchester and Milton.
Shrimply Pibbles chronicled a flooded Tenean Beach, at the mouth of the Neponset River in Dorchester, early this morning.
The federal EPA is considering whether to designate the Neponset River from Hyde Park to Lower Mills as a place so polluted it requires federal funds and expertise to help clean it up. Read more.
The Dorchester Reporter has some photos of a seal relaxing in the Neponset up by Lower Mills last week.
Paul Nutting Jr. forwards John Ryan's photo of a bald eagle on an old piling at Finnegan Park on the Dorchester side of the Neponset River.
A Winter Knight shows us the frozen Neponset River near its mouth this morning. Don't worry - he was wrapped in a warm inbound Red Line train on the bridge.
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