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SUV driver slammed into kid on Columbia Road in Dorchester, kept driving, police say

SUV in question

SUV, with fresh damage from hitting a kid

Update: Police say they've found the SUV and that the investigation is continuing. WBZ reports the boy suffered broken ribs and a collapsed lung.

Boston Police have released photos of a white SUV with fresh damage to its right front fender, whose driver hit a kid at Columbia Road and Intervale Street in Dorchester around 7:20 a.m. and then kept driving.

The passenger side headlight is also believed to be broken. It is believed that the vehicle is a white GMC SUV that has two sunroofs and a roof rack.

If it looks familiar, contact detectives at 617-343-4275 or the anonymous tip line by calling 800-494-TIPS or by texting TIP to CRIME (27463).



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Drivers are raging a war against pedestrians. They are killing thousands of us per year and injuring countless more. Enough. Homicidal maniacs like this need to be locked up for decades.

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Surprised they couldn’t get the plate

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Coincidentally just this afternoon a driver driving this same model and color SUV cut in front of me as I stepped into a crosswalk. When I pounded on the back of her vehicle to let her know I didn’t appreciate her putting me in danger, she rolled down her window to shout at me about not touching her car.
It’s a daily occurrence for me to cross paths with these scofflaws on Boston streets.

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People get *so* uptight if you so much as lay a finger on their precious automobile. I really want to get gloves with metal embedded in them. If I am in the crosswalk and can touch your car, you definitely should not be in the crosswalk. This happens a lot. It does freak them out nicely.

I don't know where not caring fits in on the spectrum, either. I once parked at the Lynn Woods and apparently was too close to the person next to me, or something. She gave me a look and when I got back the doors of my car were lightly keyed. I laughed, I couldn't have cared less, if anything it's a badge of honor.

Also, don't drive through occupied crosswalks, jesus.

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I used to pound on or kick the sides of cars that ran through crosswalks while I was crossing, until a sensible friend pointed out that “one sociopath with anger issues and a gun can ruin your whole day,”’ and asked me please never to do that again while he was accompanying me…

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a pair of steel-toed boots for when I start commuting to the office again. The intersection of Congress and Atlantic is where I've seen the worst examples of drivers outright trying to murder pedestrians to save 30 seconds waiting for the green, and I've watched the posted police detail wave cars through a red light and ignore the near-misses in the crosswalk. So: enjoy the new decorations on your door panels, assholes.

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I smacked the trunk of a car with my open palm - the driver had sailed right through a full red light with pedestrian walk light at Huntington & Fenwood Road, only to be stopped just on the other side of the crosswalk by the backed-up traffic at the lights across Brigham Circle. She leaped out of the car and acused me of denting her trunk (! I repeat, I slapped it with my open palm) and called me a "gorilla"!

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Seriously - don't want your car touched ... DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME WITH YOUR CAR!

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Any chance it could actually be the same person? Sounds like you got a look at her, Lee. Might be worth providing info to BPD just in case it was the same person.

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So rude and uncouth, always taking the side against vehicular assault without learning the facts, never considering that there could have been a dozen valid reasons why this motorist hit a child and drove away

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there could have been a dozen valid reasons why this motorist hit a child and drove away

There can be no valid reason for the driving away afterward.

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"I didn't see them because of solar glare."
"I didn't see them because my hood casts a huge blind spot but I need that HP."
"I was running late."
"I was checking my phone."
"I was sending a text."
"They came out of nowhere!"
"I didn't have a chance to stop."
"They weren't in a crosswalk."
"I didn't notice I'd hit anyone."
"I was looking at traffic and didn't see them."
"There's too much traffic."
"Everyone else is going just as fast as me and hitting just as many kids."

(This, like I assume the upthread comment, is sarcasm)

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"What if they had a rare and unexpected medical condition that caused them to temporarily lose control of their vehicle, because of this remote possibility we shouldn't ever say anything remotely negative about the driver until we know all the facts"

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I live in that neighborhood ..at the end of Columbia road and intervale st there is a van that parks right at that corner on your left .. making it very difficult for cars trying to merge onto Columbia road..so you have to inch out peek around this van..and also make sure its clear of pedestrian trying to cross on you right..I WISH BTD would inforce ticketing for the van parking at this corner...Columbia road is like a race track

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Just observing the cherished UH tradition to get madder at Kinopio for what they say about local drivers than we ever get about local drivers

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the /s is implied...

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Shall I send all my drunk/druggy cousins your way? You make such great excuses!

EDIT: oops - didn't see the invisible snark tag

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Is there any word on whether the kid's ok?

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Is the _car_ okay?

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Seems like the most reliable way to identify the vehicle...

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I'm pretty sure the plate was not intentionally blurred by someone. Probably the surveillance cam wasn't designed to capture details like license plate characters from moving cars on the street. Maybe it is a bank or storefront camera, for instance.

Maybe the SUV even has a license plate cover that makes it hard for cameras to resolve the details. For instance, see a camera defeating example here, for a video toll system that was specifically designed to capture plate numbers: https://gothamist.com/news/mta-scofflaw-gets-paying-fraction-his-100000-...

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Was the child in a wrong lane and about to hit this SUV?

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Imagine a world in which we mustered the same outrage for drivers who send deadly chunks of metal recklessly down the streets as we do for gun shooters who send deadly chunks of metal recklessly down the streets.

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"Oh well, there's just nothing to be done about these tragedies; thoughts and prayers..."

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While they are both treated too cavalierly, at least the news sometimes covers gun shots that don't hit a person.

I estimate that 25% to 50%* of auto trips involve at least some reckless driving. When is the last time that you read a news report about reckless driving that didn't result in contact with another road user?

*If you think this is too high, just think about all the drivers you see accelerating through changing lights, driving with phones in their hand, etc.

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They found a driverless car? And nobody showed up at the tow yard?

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What is the name of this driver? The name of another kid hit and runner from Hartford CT has been released. Why not this one?

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