11 years 5 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
2/17/25 - 1:53 pm You used to be someone who Harvard should look to its own backyard before trumpeting clean-energy projects in other states 18
2/14/25 - 10:11 am We’ve known who Musk is for Protesting Teslas in Boston 43
2/11/25 - 11:29 am No, I think the city collects 311 complaint of the day: If I have to shovel my sidewalk, I should be able to put in an al-fresco cafe 21
2/9/25 - 10:21 pm Is there any conceivable 311 complaint of the day: If I have to shovel my sidewalk, I should be able to put in an al-fresco cafe 21
2/6/25 - 12:30 pm Decades ago, in the days of Charlestown houseboat murder victim identified, has nearly identical name to man murdered a month earlier 14
2/4/25 - 8:08 pm He's a thief, plain and Two of Musk's junior-grade government destroyers are students here in the Hub 56
2/3/25 - 4:50 pm I'm not so sure about that Boston looks to require registration, insurance for third-party food deliverers in bid to curb roadway, sidewalk mayhem 57
12/29/24 - 8:51 am You can imagine people going Changes at South Station: Some are grand, some make you go: Huh? 27
12/22/24 - 12:13 am If anything I think on street Judge throws out lawsuit by North End restaurant owners over city's outdoor-patio restrictions, says mayor wasn't out to get Italians 40
12/21/24 - 10:12 am Did Frank Pasquale join with Judge throws out lawsuit by North End restaurant owners over city's outdoor-patio restrictions, says mayor wasn't out to get Italians 40
12/21/24 - 10:08 am as a matter of policy, I do Judge throws out lawsuit by North End restaurant owners over city's outdoor-patio restrictions, says mayor wasn't out to get Italians 40
12/21/24 - 10:02 am Not to mention that if there Judge throws out lawsuit by North End restaurant owners over city's outdoor-patio restrictions, says mayor wasn't out to get Italians 40
12/18/24 - 6:33 pm More likely due to society Orange Line Time Machine: The Don Bosco signs at Tufts 35
12/18/24 - 6:29 pm Not really Orange Line Time Machine: The Don Bosco signs at Tufts 35
12/17/24 - 11:01 am It’s a small thing, but life Orange Line Time Machine: The Don Bosco signs at Tufts 35
12/16/24 - 12:29 am Among many wonderfully quirky Landlord booting Harvard Square's last dive bar, which had been open since the 1950s 27
12/7/24 - 1:38 pm Gross. New nightmare for Somerville librarians 3
11/16/24 - 6:11 pm You and me both NYC bans rental broker fees, can Massachusetts be far behind? 47
11/15/24 - 9:37 am Stu is great Beacon Hill market to get just third family owning since it opened more than a century ago 5
11/14/24 - 10:41 am Part of the problem here is NYC bans rental broker fees, can Massachusetts be far behind? 47
11/10/24 - 9:42 pm If Cambridge can switch to Cantabrigians urged to take shorter showers 21
10/31/24 - 8:44 am Kicking the can down the road Touring a new multi-bendi Green Line trolley 18
10/24/24 - 11:46 pm Can we discuss that white Beantown Home Services sues Beantown Home Improvements for trademark infringement; neither concern is actually located in Beantown 20
10/21/24 - 10:23 pm A 105mm howitzer is used for USS Constitution fires on Charlestown, but not intentionally 24
10/18/24 - 3:55 pm If you know any vendors who Charles Street on Beacon Hill to get farm-to-table scratch kitchen and hummus to go right next door 7
10/15/24 - 1:05 pm Getting rid of Airbnb wouldn 311 complaint of the day: Too many locks on Beacon Hill 25
10/11/24 - 2:40 pm I for one think this request 311 complaint of the day: Won't somebody think of Beacon Hill parkers? 29
10/10/24 - 5:10 pm Anyone with a relevant 311 complaint of the day: Won't somebody think of Beacon Hill parkers? 29
10/10/24 - 3:29 pm Beacon Hill resident here. 311 complaint of the day: Won't somebody think of Beacon Hill parkers? 29
10/8/24 - 11:44 am Brings me back to copy editor Boston stops using rodenticides that can also kill raptors and pets, looks at expanding rat birth-control pilot 31
10/8/24 - 9:07 am As with any policy matter, Boston stops using rodenticides that can also kill raptors and pets, looks at expanding rat birth-control pilot 31
10/8/24 - 9:04 am Whatever you do, don’t look Boston stops using rodenticides that can also kill raptors and pets, looks at expanding rat birth-control pilot 31
10/8/24 - 9:02 am That’s sad. The death, Boston stops using rodenticides that can also kill raptors and pets, looks at expanding rat birth-control pilot 31
10/8/24 - 8:48 am The difference between the Judge won't bar events at South Boston Lithuanian club as lawsuit against it proceeds 8
10/7/24 - 4:44 pm The birth control pellets are a promising idea Boston stops using rodenticides that can also kill raptors and pets, looks at expanding rat birth-control pilot 31
10/5/24 - 9:23 pm My mom only needed six words South Boston Lithuanian club to owners of neighboring condo: We're not doing the bad stuff you claim, we were here first and what did you expect moving near West Broadway? 42
10/5/24 - 9:08 am The nerve! Neighbors of South Boston Lithuanian club sue over what they charge are excessively loud events, drunken, drugged revelers and harassment 31
10/5/24 - 9:00 am My now retired doc told me Four Northeastern grad students diagnosed with chickenpox 31
10/4/24 - 3:51 pm At low tide Provincetown is Big Battery gets closer in Chelsea 15
10/4/24 - 8:16 am Also, what you call status Neighbors of South Boston Lithuanian club sue over what they charge are excessively loud events, drunken, drugged revelers and harassment 31
10/2/24 - 9:10 am Take the people search sites Brother of dead Quincy Nazi to plead guilty to hiding evidence his brother tried to burn down rabbis' homes 2
10/2/24 - 9:06 am Being head of a logistics North End post office just never opened today 22
9/25/24 - 8:05 pm My guess 311 complaint of the day: Time for some No Goose Hugging signs in the Fens 31
9/25/24 - 3:23 pm The cyclist was on the SUV driver kills bicyclist on Memorial Drive bike path 28
9/23/24 - 12:10 pm As long as we're being Harvard to build public dock in Brighton to keep the hoi polloi away from its two boathouses 5
9/23/24 - 12:01 pm Costs are driven up by labor State awarded megabucks to replace creaky train drawbridges at North Station 56
9/23/24 - 10:56 am The Golden Gate Bridge cost State awarded megabucks to replace creaky train drawbridges at North Station 56
9/21/24 - 9:28 am remember the Boston Calling Charlestown man won't take sides in presidential election 27
9/19/24 - 11:54 am Search the Harvard course catalog Remember when every new development proposal in Boston seemed to involve life sciences? 9
9/17/24 - 10:00 am There are actual rules and Black Rose the bar sues Black Rose the bakery for trademark infringement 12
My articles