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Dog run proposed for historic church burying ground in Jamaica Plain

The Jamaica Plain Gazette reports on the proposal for a portion of the FIrst Church cemetery - with caveats that the run would be limited to a group of local dog owners, that they would have to agree to rules and limit the number of dogs at one time, and that the run would be at least 10 feet away from the nearest tombstones and bones. The benefit for the church would be more eyes on its property, possibly reducing the odds of littering and vandalism.

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Is this a late April Fools joke?

What an insulting proposal.

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Seems like the church is the one making the proposal so I'm not sure what would be insulting about it.

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A bunch of dead people. Dead people, who inhabit far too much of Boston that could be used for the living (two- or four-footed).

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The last thing we want is for the rightful owner of a property to be free to use it as they choose.

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The church, who I assume is the custodian of the cemetery, is the one proposing this? It is their land, yes?

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and no Devil Dogs may be consumed on the premises.

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More dog parks needed! I was too turned off by the unabridged Black's Law Dictionary sized Franklin Park plan published recently and didn't bother reading it (due to its size (which is exactly what it's masterminds were hoping). Is a dog park coming quickly to Franklin Park??

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...we'd probably have had 3 dog parks just between Forest Hills and Jackson Sq along the SW corridor, 10 years ago. We have the space, we have the demand, and many dog owners would happily chip in some cash if a dog park was being built a walkable distance from them. Other cities have this sort of thing, and to a degree so do other parts of Boston.

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I think we have found the solution.

Private dog parks. What a great idea.

You have this area fenced off for your choice of pet and you pay to have your pet which you chose to purchase / adopt, have an area to play in.

Get on that.

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How much do golfers pay to use their large expanse of dedicated recreational land?

Perhaps a similar fee per acre for dog lovers would be appropriate.

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Unless you are some sort of wolf hybrid, do not associate people as being the same as humans.

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...do not associate people as being the same as humans.

This explains so much.

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But people bring golf bags to enjoy golfing, and people bring dogs to enjoy dogs.

I'm mostly getting at how changing demands and hobbies can be accommodated using public resources in similar ways. Up next: space for pickleball and tennis!

Way to avoid addressing the point, though.

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$1,500 for a season permit for a city resident. $50-57 a game for those who don't have a permit.

Mind you, I've never golfed, so I am going on the city's website. It may be more on the summertime, but there are no reservations available beyond Saturday.

This is where I note that unlike the city you live in, Boston let's nonresidents use their recreational facilities. That's the difference between the city and the suburbs.

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You are welcome to come use Medford Parks anytime. They aren't gated. There is no admission charge. Not sure what point you are trying to make here. Perhaps the one on top of your head? Not like we have a golf course.

Nonresident adult recreation groups can also rent the fields above the high school.

Nobody is stopping you from hiking in the Fells or using the Mystic Lakes boat ramps, although that's DCR territory. Medford Boat Club is a private enterprise with a sweetheart deal with DCR - it isn't city run or controlled.

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Okay, that’s a rhetorical question, as you mentioned it a few years back. Only know about it because of you. Open to Medford residents only, like those beaches down in Connecticut where the “outside element” is banned.

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Have a nice hike around the pond, spot the giant turtles at work, take bird pics, let Jr. use the playground, etc.

During two months of the year, yeah, you need a pass because of the swimming. Demand for the resource often means that even if you have a pass you can't get in - at least not if you are using a motor vehicle (they tried to pull stuff with having only vehicle passes but walking distance locals and cyclists spoke up about how dumb that is).

Meanwhile, please name a municipality that gives unrestricted access to municipal beach facilities - one that doesn't give priority to municipal residents for municipal swimming beaches The vast majority exclude non residents altogether.

(spoiler - I am beach water quality program adjacent so I know such facilities are rare, more so where parking access is concerned).

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That said, I could also make a long list of other suburban towns that are as bad as Medford, if not worse. Still, that doesn't make it right.

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Chelmsford. They tried to restrict access to their Freeman Lake beach, but because they used State funds to build the bathhouse, they have to let everyone in. I bet that could be used to open a lot of resident-only places.

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… at Singing Beach in Manchester.
It’s one of the arguments used by those who want to reverse the trend there towards limiting the beach to residents and others who can afford the possibly illegal entry fee the town has been increasing for a few years now.

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Nothing says honoring the dead than a dog taking a dump

No just no folks. if I had a family member in this cemetery, I'd be pretty angry that this was even proposed.

I think in recent years we've learned few care about the rules. And while it may be OK for a while, eventually it will be not. And it will become a problem. Because people don't give a sht about anything but themselves these days, except their own comfort.

Ain't no way these dog owners are going to mind their dogs. Sorry they won't. Some of these owners can barely pick up their dog's sht on the sidwalk, and you seem to think they'll do the same while all alone in a big cemetery? LOL And I have some beautiful ocean front property in Williamstown I'd like to unload on ya too...

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not a free-for-all over the entire cemetery. See the article for details.

(Also, if you had a family member in this cemetery, they would have died before the Civil War. I don't think people very frequently visit the graves of their great-great-great-grandparents.)

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Has relatives buried since 1635 in Hingham.

They don't allow dogs to run over the graves there. My kids have gone to their ancestors graves.

My dad is 6 feet under in Mattapan along with his grandfather.

I would never let your substitute for a child run over their graves.

Then again trying to reason with dog people (it will be fenced!!! My doggie is really, really nice!!!) is like discussing politics with your cat. Nothing productive will come out of it.

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Did you read what is being proposed?

They aren't proposing to allow dogs to run over graves here, either.

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Get real. We are supposed to have massive public spaces in the Seaport despite promises. Did that happen?

The T was supposed to be great after the Orange Line shutdown? How's that going?

The dogs won't run on the graves?

A friend from college has her brother playing drums on this song. He also got arrested, even though he was a cop, protesting for the first amendment by playing 2 Live Crew when Broward County try to censor them. They won their case. Never believe everything you hear just to be spiteful back.


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We should never do anything. But thanks for giving Too Much Joy some gratuitous clicks.

However, a more appropriate song from them for your type of nihilistic sentiment would be Susquehanna Hat Company: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnHv0JczNDI

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It sounds like dogs would be fenced off from the graves but regardless, I'd be perfectly fine with a dog park over my grave, piss and all.

I liked dogs when I was alive and it hardly matters when I'm dead. There's only much land on this planet, might as well use it for things which are still living.

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…. dead people both stink.

Some dead people loved dogs. My grandparents did. It makes me happy to think dogs might someday be running and playing over my grave.

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If people didn't want animals to poop on their graves they shouldn't have put them outside where birds can get to them. And for that matter, be buried in the ground means their remains eventually get turned into worm poop. But that's what death is, and people get kind of silly in what they do try to "honor" the dead.

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That's who would have to contend with the dog poop (if the dogs were given free reign of the cemetery, which they won't be...)

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They turned children parks and playgrounds into illegal dog runs so why not a cemetery.

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People who actually take their dogs to dog runs/parks are the responsible ones. So why punish them for the actions of other people they don't control?

Dogs owners have no more control over one another than anyone else.

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