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Masked Nazis burning flares scream outside hotels housing immigrants in the Boston area

WBUR reports on the latest actions by the basement dwellers outside hotels in Marlboro and Woburn by NSC-133.

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When I saw "disturbance at hotel"


Seriously though, what a bunch of losers.

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Could their use of flares constitute a violation of fire laws?

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hate crimes

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Gotta love a bunch of pathetic incels wearing super tight tan chinos and masks on a sweltering hot day. LOL.

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They can modify their prison uniforms as they wish.

Given their love of U-Hauls for transportation, can we hope for an epic storrowing?

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I mean, 1 for one would hope for it, but I am pretty sure that's why they park at T station on the edge of the city and ride it in for protests.

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That alone would be impressive.

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When I saw this quote:

"Vigeant argues it’s not that simple. He said the state needs to have candid conversations about the best way to allocate limited resources. He’d like to see legislators repeal the unique 1983 law that obligates the state to provide shelter to eligible families. He thinks that would limit the number of immigrants seeking to resettle in Massachusetts.

'We’ve got to help the people we have here first,' he said. 'There's always going to be opportunities to help others ... but we are having a housing crisis here as it is.' "

I thought the article was interviewing one of the Nazis. It's great to talk about helping others, but if refugee families fleeing violence are not allowed to come to Massachusetts because everyone already here is more important, where are they supposed to go?

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I'm surprised he had time to give that quote, what with all the shuttling his other chino'd friends back and forth from the hate crime to their cars and all.

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Are you suggesting that he was actively giving the group material support? If so I'd like to see the evidence for this because that's a major accusation.

It's possible that he has an opinion that does not align with yours and just saying he's a Nazi is a shortcut we should all be careful of. Have you ever dealt with homeless families and people that haven't been able to find shelter before? I feel horrible for refugees but I also look at people who have been here for much longer who are homeless or on the streets. I see people in decades long lists for housing they can afford. I see situations like Mass and Cass.

Life is not a zero sum situation but if we have resources that could be directed to people who have been homeless in MA and hand those to new people that is literally picking winners and losers. In my experience the people who are most vocal about this are people who are the least affected by the new allocation. I suspect it's not you that will stay on the street. I suspect it's not your mother or child.

So I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and wait to see if you produce evidence of this material support.

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If someone takes the opportunity of a Nazi demonstration to say "maybe they have a point, so let's change the laws that protect the people they're threatening," he may not be a Nazi, but he's saying that threatening innocent people is a reasonable way to get the laws changed.

He's not saying that the white supremacists who are threatening their neighbors are the ones who should leave, even though the racists are also occupying housing and using government services.

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I typed his name and immigrant into Google news and I don't see a single item where he has changed his stance. He has advocated for immigration reform and has put forward funding and requests to help train immigrants to get them jobs. He has put forward police resources and has requested language support for the families that do not speak English. Is he supposed to just ignore the issues he brought up because of this other group? His previous statements seemed aimed at avoiding issues like this. The previous comment seems to suggest he is actively helping Nazis and yours is suggesting he's sympathetic to them and that's a lazy argument imo.

If you are the mayor of a city/town that has been doing what they can but do not see an end in site what is your plan?

People get sick of being labeled as a Nazi or jerk because they don't ascribe to every thing that progressives put out there. This is how you get someone like Trump defeating Hillary Clinton (which still sickens me that we lost that election). This is how you get Nazis marching at these hotels. They see people go after reasonable people like this Mayor , they figure why bother. Moderates who might normally step up and say something choose not to because if they don't say everything you want they will get pillared by the Nazis and by you. So they keep their mouth shut because once again, why bother.


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don't be one, and don't support them, and don't play along with their game by following the narrative they want you to follow - namely, the "these people are invaders" one.

for a long time it was quite simple, but now white supremacy and white-supremacy adjacent supporting arguments are "legitimate political opinions", and when people get called out for it, they're just SO SAD AND WHY DO WE HURT THEIR FEELINGS.

harder line against nazis and white supremacists, that should be the focus when they do shit like this. period.

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no, you didn't just blame "progressives" for Nazis showing up at a hotel??!

white supremacy is not the fault of people who are against white supremacy. jesus.

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They see people go after reasonable people like this Mayor , they figure why bother.

1. I don't want to put words in your mouth (you put quite enough in there, honestly), so how about if you favor us with your definition of "reasonable people". Is it just anyone who refrains from literally lynching Black and brown people?

2. "Going after" is part of politics. It's part of what anyone signs up for when they run for public office. If Vigeant can't weather criticism for a stunningly callous comment, then he's in the wrong line of work and needs to go shelter somewhere that will be more accommodating of his fragility.

All in all, you've just demonstrated the paradox of the thin-skinned Nazi apologist. It's "reasonable" to you to blame the victims of white supremacist terrorists, but people who disagree and say this isn't at all "reasonable" are harming these poor white men's widdle fee-fees to such a degree that they feel fully justified in embracing white supremacism. Not surprising, I guess. The original Nazis were a bunch of losers: lazy bums, grifters, neurotics, sadists, frauds, thieves. Nazis and white supremacists are incapable of living in a society with decent people. That's why these rectal chancres are walking around with diapers on their faces being suburban white-boy nuisances: because they are LOSERS. And you're caping for them. Pathetic.

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People get sick of being labeled as a Nazi or jerk because they don't ascribe to every thing that progressives put out there. This is how you get someone like Trump defeating Hillary Clinton (which still sickens me that we lost that election). This is how you get Nazis marching at these hotels.

Yup, progressives are the cause of Nazis. It’s totally not the fault of the bigoted, violent assholes themselves.

You may not identify as a Nazi, Anon, but you sure want us to care more about their pain than that of the victims they create. But you clearly already know that our wouldn’t hide your grotesque opinions.

Adam, can we ban Anonymous concern trolling Nazi-lovers already or at least force them to have usernames when they post this vile drivel?

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... proceeds to make zero-sum argument.

strong points. quality work.

seriously, we need to hold everyone, including elected officials to the standard of always rejecting and blaming the white supremacists first, but nowadays that's apparently too much to ask.

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The single thing we can do as a state that would have the biggest positive impact on literally every issue you mentioned is to increase the housing supply, quickly and dramatically. If the Mayor were serious he would be using this opportunity to advocate for state-level changes to make that happen; he isn't. Wishing that people simply wouldn't come here is not a serious position. If the law he wants repealed were gone, these people would still be here. They'd just be sleeping on the street instead of in a hotel.

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I feel horrible for refugees but I also look at people who have been here for much longer who are homeless or on the streets.

Germany for Germans first, amitrite?

Christ, Anon. You’re the worst concern troll on UH in some time. I love how in your next comment you literally blame progressives for Nazis. Can’t even hide your vile stupidity after being challenged once on your drivel?

Take the boot out of our mouth, get a few good breaths and try harder.

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I feel horrible for refugees but I also look at people who have been here for much longer who are homeless or on the streets.

Germany for Germans first, amitrite?

Christ, Anon. You’re the worst concern troll on UH in some time. I love how in your next comment you literally blame progressives for Nazis. Can’t even hide your vile stupidity after being challenged once on your drivel?

Take the boot out of our mouth, get a few good breaths and try harder.

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and an enraging and shortsighted take from Mayor Vigeant to say the least.

Instead of responding to a expression of violent genocidal hate with "well but maybe they're right and there's no room here, how many people can we really take in?", why isn't WBUR asking "what are the fundamental problems with white culture that allows this to happen, and why aren't white people able to rid themselves of this?"

again, the burden and the focus is placed on the people who are (100% legally!) here and in need of protection, instead of the origins and funding of well-organized groups that put on demonstrations like this. really garbage coverage.

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my small nitpick is that the article also refers to multiple "hotels" in Woburn, and links to a Globe article... the same Globe article that says the action only took place at the Red Roof Inn..

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The Mayor’s response basically is “these nazis are wrong to target these people but they are right about their demands that they shouldn’t be here in the first place and we should make sure they can’t be.” Responding to nazi violence by legitimating and championing their demands is appeasement and should be disqualifying from public office.

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