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So what's Howie Carr done for Katrina survivors?

Bri ponders after reading Carr's column (you have to pay to read) complaining that Ted Kennedy and John Kerry didn't open their homes to survivors:

... Sure on the surface, the concept of the piece seemed solid. The wealthy in this country should donate more to help their fellow humans. However that is completely missing the boat on what the issue is here. The issue is why are we even having to talk about celebrities and pols having to donate money? Why are we in this situation? Howie glazes over the failure of the system in order to take cheap shots at liberals and to laud Curt Schilling even as his politics fail him faster than his split-finger. ...

Where was Howie Carr's piece on the lack of money Dick Cheney has donated to the cause? Yes, he too has reaped the rewards of taxpayer's monies. How much is Karl Rove good for these days?

Thankfully Carr didn't tell us how much he did or didn't donate. ...

My standard newspaper disclosure.



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Can't read the article, but did Howie mention that Crawford Texas is much closer to where housing is most needed? And that residence is currently unoccupied, making it an even better option than places in Boston.

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Howie Carr will go to the Pentagon tomorrow to cover the anniversary of 9/11. To talk about that horrible tragedy and remember the victimes. Tell me, does Howie Carr hate the 9/11 victims as much as he hates the victims of Katrina? It is so clear how he feels about those in New Orleans. One lady called up and said she felt the people inside the superdome should be helping themselves. Howie said nothing.
This was a natural disaster of catastrophic proportions, but people like Howie and others are showing their hate, contempt of victims of Katrina. I can't believe how ugly it has become. It is all about race and class.

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