Liveblogging the Theoconf
Bruce sums it all up with a note on what he learned from Theo and John Henry:
All the things that were NOT reasons why Theo resigned.
Shots and Sheriff Sully provide the second-by-second commentary of the Theo press conference, along with some pre-conference notes:
... I love how Globe writers haven't been allowed on WEEI for more than five years because the radio station's standards are up to the Globe's level, but it was all of a sudden OK for Shaughnessy to appear on D&C this morning. I mean, talk about looking weak. Either lift the ban or don't, but how can one justify this. Oh, we needed a large audience for Shaughnessy to attempt and earn some credibility back? Please. ...
Jay: Don't like the circumstances of Theo's departure.
But after today's 1 p.m. briefing, he should just go. Disappear. Head to L.A. or Europe or wherever. This team needs to get its act together. ...