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More on BPL library closings in Boston. Who would renovate a branch and close it 5 years later?

Menino's budget puts councillors on the spot:

Anthony Paciulli, the president of Meetinghouse Bank who delivered 4,000 signatures to library officials to keep the Lower Mills branch open, noted that the councillors have the power to veto the budget, which is due for a vote by June. [...]

“No community should be forced to give up its library,” added Richard O’Mara, a member of the Lower Mills Civic Association. [...]

Claire Hughes ... said she did not understand why the relatively modern branch should be shut. Lower Mills, which opened in 1875 and moved to a new facility in the 1980s, was renovated in 2005.



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"Library trustee chairman Jeffrey Rudman would not commit to re-opening branches if the BPL did come up with the $3.6 million officials say they need to close a budget gap..."

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