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The Cambridge city councilor and his Boston car crash

On Dec. 17, Anthony Galluccio, a Cambridge city councilor (and presumptive heir to Jarrett Barrios's state-senate seat) was involved in a car accident on Congress Street in Boston. Was he drunk? Galluccio denies it. But Edward Prisby, who was in one of the cars that was hit, is now blogging about what he says was a very drunk councilor:


... The driver was shortish and balding. I didn't recognize him. But I could tell he was drunk. Really drunk. Which isn't necessarily surpising to Boston at 2:00 AM. What was shocking was that he would get that drunk and then decide to drive. ...

"I'm really sorry," he stammered as he produced his ID.

"Your name is Anthony Galluccio," I asked?

"Yes," he replied. ...

Accident Victims Say Politician Was Drunk During Crash - Channel 5 report, which cites two other people in the accident who thought Galluccio was under the influence (he says he was disoriented by getting hit by an airbag).

Via Sam Seidel.


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