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Andy Hiller now the Hoover of local reporters?

Anybody remember when Andy Hiller was a respected, grizzled reporter who would always find a way to make politicians look stupid?

Cranky watched in disbelief last night as Hiller tossed a series of softballs at Christy Mihos, including how to pronounce his name ("Mihos"), what his favorite movie is ("Forest Gump") and, best of all: If he could be a car, what kind of car he'd be ("a 1960 Ferrari Spyder convertible"). Oh, he also asked Mihos if he made his millions or had them given to him. Mihos said he made them. Mihos also admitted that in 1972, he inhaled. Based on all this (and answers to similar meatball questions), Hiller declared that his Hiller Instinct is that Mihos could just become our next governor.

Retorts Cranky:

... This was pathetic even for Channel 7. Sounded like one of those sarcastic Q&A's in the Improper Bostonian. ...

Amazingly, Channel 7 posted a transcript of the interview, instead of trying to forget it ever happened.



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