By adamg - 4/17/10 - 2:32 pm

Garrett Quinn tweets from the Republican state convention in Worcester:

Mildred Jefferson just compared passage of HCR to 9/11. Got standing O from 2/3 of arena.

By adamg - 3/8/10 - 1:10 pm

Red Mass. Group reports Joe Manzoli has left the Mihos campaign for "personal reasons."

By adamg - 2/20/10 - 10:58 am

Christy Mihos bounced a $20,000 campaign check, the Globe reports.

By adamg - 1/30/10 - 10:28 am

Maybe his campaign song could be Lien on Me.

Via Jay Fitzgerald:

By adamg - 1/24/10 - 12:50 pm

You might be forgiven for coming to that conclusion after reading this Globe story about consultants who say he's not paying them

By adamg - 9/9/09 - 12:18 pm

The Herald reports Mihos is still running for governor and the Globe really should stop listening to anything he says, or words to that effect.

By adamg - 9/8/09 - 8:49 pm

That's what the Globe is reporting could happen.

By adamg - 8/20/09 - 10:36 am

The Outraged Liberal notes the hypocrisy of wealthy Cape-dwelling convenience-store magnate Christy Mihos and his flunky Dick Morris telling wealthy incumbent Deval Patrick to open his own pool to the public:

... [B]y the way Christy -- do you have some nice cool down spot on the Cape thanks to the millions you've made from selling gas and potato chips?

I'll bring the towel. I'm sure you've got some flip-flops.

By GarrettQuinn - 4/26/09 - 1:21 pm

Did Christy Mihos just announce he is running as a Republican for governor in 2010?

By adamg - 9/13/08 - 10:07 pm

Josh Ourisman, who supported Mihos in 2006, vows to vote for him for governor in 2010.

By adamg - 11/8/06 - 3:29 pm

In an exclusive interview, Mihos could only say: Woof!

By adamg - 11/7/06 - 11:30 pm

Whiteboy gets the scoop:

... Patrick: "Hello?"

Mihos: "Is your refrigerator running?"

Patrick: "Yes, my refrigerator is running."

By adamg - 11/1/06 - 9:42 pm

Joe Dwinell covered the debate as it happens.

Whiteboy also covered it:

By adamg - 10/25/06 - 10:58 am

On Channel 4 at 7 p.m. Jon Keller frets nobody will watch.

By adamg - 10/21/06 - 11:00 am

Those Inmates for Healey are real wimps.

By adamg - 10/20/06 - 9:11 am

Blue Mass.

By adamg - 10/19/06 - 11:35 pm

Who won the debate?