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Vice president to totally ruin evening commute on Sept. 8
By adamg on Fri, 08/25/2006 - 11:59am
Political Intelligence reports that Dick Cheney will be coming to the Harvard Club on Comm. Ave on Sept. 8 for a 5 p.m. celebration of the life of GOP money fountain Dick Egan.
You may recall that the last time Cheney and Egan got together for a soiree, the vice president caused a 31-mile backup on Rte. 128, closed so he could motorcade from Hanscom Air Force Base to Egan's Hopkinton aerie.
The VP doesn't need a big motorcade
I used to live in Washington, D.C., where motorcades are a daily sight. Only the President and visiting heads of state or monarchs get big motorcades. Everyone else gets a limo and a couple of Suburbans, including the VP.
If Cheney's motorcade here is large, if they block off entire roads, if they screw up traffic, it is only because local and state police here are over-reacting to his presence.
Of course...
you only need someone to cough the wrong way on Kneeland Street and the whole city ends up gridlock...
Sept 8th is going to be great fun
Oh that will be fantastic for us Kenmore Square folk (or anyone partaking in our new and improved neighborhood offerings) as September 8th hosts a red sox game in the evening. Not just any Red Sox game either, but "Macy's Day" at Fenway which is supposed to end with fireworks.
Between the Secret Service making their presence known and Trigger Happy Dick's drive-by with fireworks, the city should be hoppin' that night.
More about Macy's Day
in this Globe article. They're also having a block party downtown all afternoon.
Virginia DOT
They should have taken a hint from the Virginia DOT:
(via fark.com)
Darling, The Billionaires Will Be There!
I'm ever so excited about seeing our Dick again! He's been such a friend to the Billionaires! If you wish to join us in welcoming him back to Boston, go to our charming and lovely blog.
Ivana Moore-Enmoore
Richly Upholstered Chair
Boston-Metro Chapter
Billionaires for Big Oil
(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Billionaires for Bush)