First, listen to Blue Mass. Group and Hub Politics duke it out in an audio roundtable from last night's Pundit Review.
Is Kerry Healey learning a lesson? That when you go negative, make sure the people in your ad actually signed off? Even the Healey Three, those elected officials who publicly spanked Patrick for being a pinko, object to being shown in that Healey ad calling Patrick soft on crime. But where is Tom Reilly, who is also quoted? Has anybody checked to see if he fell into the Charles?
The Outraged Liberal gets, well, outraged:
... Maybe the GOP "machine" can use its micro-targeting efforts to find those voters who relish dishonesty in government and like the twisted, win-at-all-costs efforts that Republicans have mastered.
And oh yeah, isn't it about time for Tom Reilly to get over his snit and grow up.
Charley on the MTA does congratulate Healey for controlling the key issues in the race, but notes it isn't helping her in the polls so far.
Harold M. Clemons says the ad won't win Healey any votes in black neighborhoods:
... What's ironic is how appealing the "tough on crime" stance is to pale folks, who generally don't live in high-crime areas. We darkies should be the ones preoccupied with candidates' positions on crime since we are far more likely to be victims of violent crime than any other racial/ethnic group in the country. Yet we are more concerned with issh like jobs, public school education, and health care. Silly us. For some foolish reason we, who live next door to and are often related to the gangstas, prostitutes, base heads, and stick-up kids, seem to think crime is primarily a function of economics. But of course the politicos, suits, soccer moms and the like, who live miles away from the action, know more about crime than we. ...
Matt Margolis calls Patrick a hypocrite for running an ad attacking Healey:
... Deval Patrick claims to have a positive "message of hope," but it's clear that it's all talk, as Deval Patrick is running a negative campaign ad against Kerry Healey, attacking her record and ironically claiming disgust with negative campaigning. ...
The Optimistic Patriot says voters actually support Healey's stances on issues:
... Unfortunately, liberals think with their hearts and not their brains so Patrick’s issueless campaign thrives as long as he cultivates a nice guy image.
Aaron Margolis continues to find evidence that Patrick and Mihos are actually in bed together (he even asks if it's time for them to "come out of the closet"):
... Christy Mihos appears to be fawning like a bleeding heart liberal over Deval Patrick, and vice versa. ...
Calendar: Another debate set for the morning of Oct. 11 at the Boston Marriott Copley Place.
What YouTube was made for: Election Wars, although really, if Stephen Colbert can have a light-saber contest, the least Demmies could do is show Patrick battling Darth Healey on that bridge.
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Wussiest attack ad ever.
By tblade
Mon, 10/02/2006 - 2:23pm
Matt calls that an attack add? Now he's just plain making shit up.
This is a real attack add: Willie Horton
Now cotrast that with Deval's ad.
Oooooh, Deval. Your so 'outrageous'!