Dan recounts a couple of sightings of tourists on rental bikes:
Here they came up Congress Street, arriving at the five way intersection of Congress, State and Devonshire just as the light turned green. Zig-zagging slightly, the male, who was in the lead, stopped in the middle of the road, clearly unsure where to go. Straight? Slight right? Sharp right? He turned to consult the female, and then something caught his eye. "I think that's it!" he yelled behind him, gesturing in the direction of the Old State House. ...
The man unslung his camera, still blocking traffic. Drivers hollered insults not heard at that spot since the Boston Massacre nearly two and a half centuries ago. Arms shot from windows as cars swerved by the still-oblivious couple, fingers extended in the universal sign for "get out of the road you $&@?/! dumb-ass $?%#!!".
Via Red Mass. Group.
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
The Hubway bikers
By Peter
Sun, 08/14/2011 - 1:40pm
Are also responsible for the car crashes on 495 the other day.
Nice non sequitur.
By NotWhitey
Sun, 08/14/2011 - 2:47pm
Nice non sequitur.
By Peter
Sun, 08/14/2011 - 3:34pm
By davem
Sun, 08/14/2011 - 4:21pm
I really thought these things would be a good idea. With a lot more cyclists out there I had believed that driver awareness would increase and perhaps facilities would be improved (maybe bike paths would get paved to the same standards as roads instead of a cobblestone street, or the cop standing 10 feet away from a car parked in a bike lane would actually ticket it).
Instead, however, it has gotten much, much worse. The T is unreliable and I sold my car because I didn't use it enough. My bike is how I get to anything 10 miles or less away, in all weather and all seasons. Everything out there is out to kill you, from poorly maintained roads, open sewer grates, pedestrians, trucks, buses, drivers, and uneducated cyclists.
And now, that last category has just increased exponentially, leading to the already pissed off drivers permanently seeing red. Since the hubway opened (and that wonderful blockade in Allston the other week) I have been flipped off, cut off, screamed at, and even intentionally bumped at a traffic light (Yes, I stop). This used to be an occasional occurrence, now it happens almost every trip. I'm not an antagonistic rider, I stick to the side of the road unless it is unsafe to do so, and I frequently ride with, if not faster than traffic.
Something needs to be done. Something big. There are already people fighting in the streets daily for dumb reasons. The last thing we need to for people to start getting out of their cars and beating cyclists, or the other way around. I've ridden all over Germany on a rental bike with no issues whatsoever. They however have extensive cycling facilities, which is something our city is still severely lacking in, no matter what Mumbles says. However I was recently in Bucks County, PA riding along the Deleware, and all the dense little towns around there (most with smaller sidewalks with more people on them then downtown) are able to cope with bicycles just fine. That includes my parents, who ride maybe three times a year tops, and not very well.
It's not just the tourists who are going to die from stupidity. I am really afraid we are going to see far more civics plowing into cyclists for no reason other then that they are there. And as a daily rider who has convinced three people I work with to ride their bikes in most days, that is a horrifying proposition.
Tourists and Pedestrians
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 08/14/2011 - 10:39pm
They do this kind of thing all the time downtown. The bike was just a prop. I go through that intersection on a bike or foot nearly every day and have many times witnessed tourists on foot pull exactly the same maneuver to get an unobstructed shot of the Old Statehouse.
As for the typical Boston pedestrian, I've seen blindered livestock navigate with more awareness of their environment and sense of hazards.
Drivers seeing red? Not around here - all they see is "pink green", meaning "me and the next three can still go through".
I dunno dude. Your super long
By Jenny
Sun, 08/14/2011 - 10:34pm
I dunno dude. Your super long essay/rant isn't persuasive.
The bike sharing program has been going on for 3 weeks and you're blaming Masshole-y roadrage on it? Seems like kind of a stretch. You say your commute is ten miles, much larger than the current scope of Hubway.
It is a fact of life that August is a time of great road rage here in Boston.
Plus, it sounds like you've never been comfortable biking around here. Maybe you should change your route or the time of day that you ride. Even ten minutes or a few blocks difference can be a huge help for commuters in our city.
re: leading to the already pissed off drivers permanently seeing
By I Saw Red
Mon, 08/15/2011 - 8:43am
Know who else saw red? Jani Lane, and he's dead! (RIP)
If everyone just chilled the fuck out, we'll all be ok.
Anything but Segways are fine.
By BlackKat
Mon, 08/15/2011 - 9:34am
Most tourists are just being blissfully ignorant. They really don't bother me unless they're on Segways. As long as they're walking, riding bikes, or in their horse carts or trolleys... Let them have their fun.
I'm more worried about the
By Bosguy22
Mon, 08/15/2011 - 10:49am
I'm more worried about the hubway bikes riding on the sidewalks than causing problems in traffic. Even before the program started, walking along the greenway/surface road in the morning I was dodging cyclists on sideways...now? It's like I'm trying to walk in a bike lane. Multiple hubway bikes, going the wrong direction, ridden by people not wearing helmets.