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Man dies in shootout with police outside Dorchester party


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"He didn't have no gun, he didn't do nuttin, he was an angel who be runnin with wrong people, etc"

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PLZ STHU. Don't read about situations like this if you have no understanding about what happened. If this is NOT your HOOD then why comment?? Carry on....

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Care to tell us? By the way, I do live in "da hood." The part where no one gets shot by police because no one shoots at police. Quite the contrary, we treat them well and they return the favor.

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You shouldn't be making comments at all if you don't know what happened. My brother didn't have a gun and you would know that if you did your research. The fact the he had a past involving drugs means nothing. He did his time and paid his dues. At the end of the day police shot a man that was unarmed. He didn't even know what was going on he had arrived at the scene and police was already there. Get your story together before you start commenting. Comment on the fact that his mother my mother was never notified of her sons death and he was identified by a family member who was with him. Everyone wants to put their two cents into this matter when they don't have a clue as to what really happened.

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Bear being shot by police - 6 Comments.

Human being shot by police - 0 Comments.

Yes, I know the bear wasn't armed and should have been taken out by non-lethal means, PETA, nature taking its course, blah, blah, blah.

I also know based upon what has been reported, it sounded like a less virtuous member of out fair area has been dirt napped, but still a lot more concern for a bear than person on these pages.

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Could have something to do with the 14 shootings in Dorchester over the past 30 days. I think we're all just jaded.

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continuing on that theme: whether or not cyclists should be encouraged to wear helmets will get 50+ angry comments from bike riders within minutes; person shot in Roxbury...

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1) Idiots with guns are not so infrequent and unusual as are bears, especially in more densely-settled areas.

2) The bear was, from the sound of it, just being a bear having found its way into human habitat - they apparently did use tranqs first (it just didn't work), and if the bear had been aggressive, the police probably would have shot to kill right away. Meanwhile, in the case of the gun-firing bloke above, he had already shown himself to be dangerous before the cops even showed up, so.

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I get a little bit more concerned when the innocent die violently, not heroin dealers. The game is the game after all.

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Action has a reaction. Good or bad! If you choose a life of violence and crime, well it will eventually catch-up to you. This has held true since the beginning of our existence. I have ZERO pity fit violent thugs.

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Does this site attract a lot of readers from the roughest parts of the city? People weigh in on what they know or saw. I feel moved to chime in when something bad happens in my part of Roslindale, not so much when it happens in somebody else's neighborhood. Also Dorchester is a massive neighborhood, it seems worse than it is due to sheer size/population I would guess.

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guess." I agree, a few bodies every weekend. Not that big of a deal. Also don't want to be called a racist for making an observation of a violent pattern.

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First of all this was a good friend of mine that Ive known for many years. Yes we have done things that arent exactly law abiding but I know him and know that he would have never opened fire on cops Ive seen him walk away from lesser situation so if you dont know the story keep your comments to yourself

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