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Woman leaving church grazed by bullet in Codman Square

Codman Square scene. Photo by Jeff Durham.

UPDATE: Arrest made.

For the second day in a row, gunfire erupted in Codman Square, but this time, somebody was shot - a woman, in the head, around 6:40 p.m., John Duffill reports, adding the shooter was aiming at somebody else.

Welcome to Dot posts an account by an Ashmont Hill resident who was the first to reach the woman - whose son had just picked her up from church. Both - along with her one-year-old grandson - were in the car when she was shot.

The Ashmont Hill resident provided first aid and called 911.

It's unclear if the intended target was hit, as he and the suspects fled the scene. The police response was massive and fast.

The Rev. Bruce Wall reports the bullet grazed her head and that cars were damaged by the gunfire.

The shooting was less than 24 hours after somebody fired repeated rounds nearby on Talbot Avenue.

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It is the sound of the stomachs of the people of Ashmont Hill clenching and realizing that they have to again use the terms; "It is just a few bad apples" "The housing stock here is wonderful" "I have lots of great neighbors" with people when they hear that they live in that part of Dorchester.

The inability to control the totally uncivilized behavior that is exhibited by "a few bad apples" is the reason why I choose not to stay in Dorchester. I could take it, but I wasn't going to expose my wife and children to a random gun shot wound on a Friday afternoon while the lilacs are opening. Call me crazy, but that seems like a modest request; not to get shot on a Friday afternoon while walking down the street.

Marty - Call out the goon squad. Call up those suspended troopers from Nashua. Do something. Everyone seemed to show up the other day when it was "Officer In Distress", if the radio signal goes out "Neighborhood In Distress" does that get the same response?

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You moved away from Ashmont Hill because you were scared by this kind of violent crime. Good for you.

I've lived here for a while now and I'm not moving. Don't really feel any particular need to justify why I choose to live here to anyone.

You seem angry at the people in the neighborhood for, you know, not moving & focusing on the positive aspects of the neighborhood. Maybe there's something in your new neighborhood to direct your outrage on now, instead of taking a dump on the old one? You've moved, so maybe it's time to move on.

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Hey, Sean,

Please drop the attitude. I live near Codman Square and don't feel safe walking around in daylight. I've been mugged and my home burglarized. I'm not moving either, but I'm also not in denial about the crime problem.

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That is terrible to hear. Still, I hope we can talk about the realities of crime without dumping on residents or neighborhoods, like the people who stay are the ones to blame.

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I have lived on Ashmont Hill and see a continued increase in shooting year over year. Last week two young men were shot behind my house, now across the Hill, yet another shooting.
We keep being told. "These people are known to police", and "these shootings are targeted". And even " these people are from outside the neighborhood".

I say so what ! No excuses, stop telling us not to be concerned. Enough is enough.

Andrea Campbell where are you? Where do you stand on violence and support for your constituency?
Are you too involved in raising property taxes with you surcharge to pay attention to trivial things like shootings?

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"The police response was massive and fast."

So yeah, to answer your question, you know, from the guy that was there, we showed up.

- a Boston cop

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My beef isn't with the rank and file cops. Not at all. It is with a continued political establishment that allows this violence to continue by not directing enough resources; cops, jobs for those on the edge of gunplay, probation staff, jails, and judges to the problem.

We are always told that Boston's murder rate is low and that violence is down, but this sounds like the lunacy in Belfast when they said they wanted to get to an acceptable level of violence. No level of violence should be acceptable.

If this happened in West Roxbury or Belmont there would be mobs in the street calling for action to end violence. With certain parts of Dot the overall political power structure of the city and state seems to go for trying to control the herd rather than culling the herd through incarceration.

I have a guy I know who became a Statie. He gave me grief when I moved out of Dot. My response was that it is easy to feel protected when you have a Barretta and and an AR15 at your disposal. He moved out though once the kids came along.

You are being cheated people of Roxbury and Dorchester. You pay taxes. You work. You should be afforded life, liberty, and safety commiserate with your the level of other citizens. I feel bad for the cops that have to put up with this stuff day in and day out. Good luck to you.

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This is way out of control. How do we get our neighborhoods back to being a safe place? My God! I use to be Afraid to walk to the store at night. Now it doesn't matter when?

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We need to keep the bad apples locked up , as a start

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It's pretty obvious from reading UHub than most of the crime is committed by repeat offenders with 4-5 gun charges and other felonies in a short span of time. Getting the DA and judges to punish these people for longer than the usual 1-5 years would be a good start.

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The streets of Dorchester have never been safer I hope and pray the clergy and police join together to fight the violence.

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Do they have guns? Or are we talking kung-fu monks?

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I understand this gentleman's frar for his wife and children. At the same time, what he needs to understand is there's crime everywhere you go. Drug dealings, random shootings, mugging, etc. Has anyone noticed there's alwsys allot going near the Charles and in the Brighton area? Again crime is everywhere. I live in Codman and in the past 4yrs that I've been here, I've not had any issues. I hear allot of gun shots during the warmer months ( stupid kids) bug for the most part, my street is allot safer than Castlegate Road in Grove Hall. Duck, duck, dodge and run for your life is what that area is all about.

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That right there is the problem - nothing will change as long as the community sees them as "stupid kids," and no one "ain't seen nothing" when cops show up. They're murderous thugs, not stupid kids, and they need to be treated accordingly. Heck, anyone shooting a gun in a populated area, as long as it's not a legal firearm fired in self-defense, should get an automatic attempted murder conviction.

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I previously lived in Cambridge outside of Central Square. Now I live not far from Codman Sq. One thing I have noticed - and I was forced to move due to gentrification - is something of a surge in gun violence around Central Square. Despite its shiney new hipster and tech bro with cash appeal.
Gun charges are the first things dropped when it comes to deal and plea time. Why have gun laws when they are hardly ever strictly applied? And now these persons inflicting so much harm on each other and on their communities are officially just 'justice involved' not violent repeat criminal offenders and convicted felons.coupled with MA's uber liberal judges not the attitude that stems gun violence.

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My name is Rodney E Dailey now a believer and Reverend. The problem of murder and shootings is to big and city wide to think the police can figure out where the next shooting will take place. The police will investigate after so what can a regular resident living in the battle zone of Bostons neighborhood do.

1. We as a people can reach out to our cousins, brothers, uncles, fathers and mothers who we know has a gun and a bead going on with some one and ask them to handle this conflict in another way besides going on the hunt for someone and shooting up the neighborhood.

2. Those who are Christians now that Jesus is the answer because my God is omniprescent everywhere at once and knows when the next violent act will occur- we must humble ourselves and ask God to intervene daily. Those who do not know God think this is foolishness because we are reliaing on the invisible to rescue us.

3 This lawless mayhem in our cities will continue until the Christians in this city stand up for Jesus he stood up for you. If we loose our lives standing up for Jesus than we have done a good work and ask the lord to show his Grace and mercy on us and reward our obedience in this wicked world.

4. Lastly- murder comes from within a person not outside of a person. Each of us have a sinful nature and the murdering spirit comes out of us and murder. The guns are a tool that is plentiful and they are the tools of this world used to kill, harm, and murder and Christians know this tool is not of God. However if we rely on Gods solutions to this murderous problem of the spirit of murder running rampant in the earth I believe he will do something he will use somebody or people to work through for the answer. We have to rely on him and stand up for Jesus.

5. Prayer Changes Things because prayer is talking to our creator and asking him to guide us in God ordered foot steps for the purposes he intended on this earth. You want to see a miracle in Chicago Baltimore, Boston, Florida, than let every thing that have breath praise ye the lord. Let every Christian corporately in every city pray down the spirit of Murder specifically in the name of Jesus AMEN.

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