When did Shirley Leung get on the Globe editorial board? The Editorial We at our Paper of Record wakes up from a long slumber and sighs and tut-tuts today that we lost the Olympics, but says it's not too late for us to learn from our stupid, pitiful yahoo mistake in turning our noses up at the Opportunity of a Lifetime:
The challenge now for Boston is to rekindle and redirect the civic energy that the Olympics bid unleashed. Sure, Boston 2024 stirred up discord. But the Olympics bid foundered prematurely, subsumed by early PR mistakes that allowed NIMBYism to take root. Yet the effort also touched off a much-needed civic dialogue about the city’s built environment and its transportation infrastructure.
Yes, because before the Olympics, we never once considered what a soulless collection of squat glass towers the Seaport is becoming or pondered just how bad our transportation infrastructure is. And we certainly didn't have anybody thinking about ways to make the city better.
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It bears repeating
By Will LaTulippe
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 10:06am
So I'll say it again: Crediting an Olympics with making Boston aware and proactive about fixing its existing problems is the public policy equivalent of "if I get pregnant, he'll stay with me."
^^^ THIS
By cybah
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 10:38am
I haven't been around UHub as much as I used to be...
By issacg
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 1:24pm
but, damn, if Will and Cybah are on the same page...
When have we disagreed on anything?
By Will LaTulippe
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 1:27pm
Nine years here, and I don't think I've ever gone tete-a-tete with him.
maybe not tete-a-tete...
By issacg
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 1:31pm
but I never got the feeling that you guys met regularly for beers, or that you were getting a T tattoo. That's all.
in related news, if ppl here aren't following Chris Dempsey's twitter feed today (@cdempc), you should.
By cybah
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 3:10pm
No I am the one with the T tattoo :-)
Nah I've never gotten in a tiff with Will.... I liked what he said tho. It's true...
Another Example — Universal Hub Is Truly A Treasure!
By Elmer
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 5:31pm
However Adam manages to keep Universal Hub a place of such cordial discourse; is an amazing feat of skill, and I'm sure a lot of endless work!
There's simply no other place on the Internet where people with wide-ranging viewpoints engage with one another, without the thread descending into useless unpleasantries.
A real exchange of ideas, and thoughtful conversation takes place here. We can simultaneously have wildly opposing opinions about some things, while realizing we're in total agreement about other things.
Universal Hub effects real communication — it is truly a treasure!
*mic drop*
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 5:00pm
This shtick is old and tired
By pcannon
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 10:38am
See this Boston Magazine article circa from 2+ years ago.
(Edited after realizing that it was a Globe editorial board piece, not under an individual name).
Not her shtick
By Irma la Douce
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 10:28am
The piece Adam is quoting is a Globe editorial, not a Shirley Leung column.
Thanks, edited for clarity!
By pcannon
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 10:38am
Thanks, edited for clarity!
Who wrote it?
By perruptor
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 10:39am
Right -- you don't know, so it's presumptuous of you to assume it wasn't Leung.
Interesting Strategy
By Matt_J
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 10:17am
Interesting Strategy
Calling readers morons, proving the paper is out of touch with Boston residents while trying to increase readership?
Lets see how that pays off in the long run.
The Globe is a joke and most
By Formerly-SoBo-Yuppie
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 11:00am
The Globe is a joke and most Bostonians I know stopped reading it. The most prominent articles on their website are about tom brady taking a dump or a recap of argument between a sox player and a broadcaster.
Let me repeat that: The most prominent story on their website is about an argument between two grown men over a baseball game.
would that ever happen at the NY Times? SF Chronicle?
Please show us the article
By Bob Leponge
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 5:06pm
I'm not seeing it, please point it out?
probably gone now
By Formerly-SoBo-Yuppie
Thu, 08/03/2017 - 8:58am
but when i made the mistake of going to their site a couple days ago, it was the article about price and eckersley (sp?). it was the first story....how embarrassing.
google it, im sure you will find the article.
I did, and still didn't find it on the front page
By Bob Leponge
Thu, 08/03/2017 - 11:54am
Google "bostonglobe.com: price eckersley" -- it's all in the sports section.
Are you perhaps confusing "boston.com" with the Globe's website?
You're right.
By ElizaLeila
Thu, 08/03/2017 - 11:56am
Price is behaving embarrassingly.
Maybe you should move to NY
By anon
Thu, 08/03/2017 - 12:47am
Maybe you should move to NY or SF then? Why do you stay in a city you hate so much?
By Formerly-SoBo-Yuppie
Thu, 08/03/2017 - 12:54pm
hate boston?
i love boston. why would i leave?
the best thing about boston? a crap ton of people living in it are not from new england.
Onto the next Leung scheme
By anon
Thu, 08/03/2017 - 11:46am
Call everyone morons and then ask them to buy into a pier park idea. Brilliant! Leung needs to cool the jets. The pier park is DOA. Alex Krieger is a great academic, but not a great professional. The traffic forecasts alone would kill the Krieger-Leung's fantasy pier. Has she not seen the Krieger botch jobs in and around Boston City Plaza? Has she ever been to Dallas? Leung needs to take a vaca, a loooong vaca
what's wrong with the pier park?
By Ron Newman
Fri, 08/04/2017 - 12:48am
It would generate a lot less traffic than any development of that parcel.
Devil is in the details
By anon
Sat, 08/05/2017 - 12:22pm
Krieger misses a lot of items. Go into the new Government Ctr glass cube and look around. The idea is great; until the harbor water floods into the pier pools. Or, just visit Dallas and ask about the Trinity Parkway
Fix the existing parks
By anon
Thu, 08/10/2017 - 11:41am
Instead of Lawn On D Part 2 at the Dry Dock (don't mind the massive subsidy) How'bout fixin' the existing city parks?
By Nick L
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 10:24am
That's awfully rich, coming from a bunch of upper-middle-class people who want to put the Olympics in someone else's backyard.
Clearly, the Glob(e) defines a NIMBY
By roadman
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 4:04pm
as anyone that disagrees with anything their masters have told them to blindly support.
They Think We Have No Pride, Patriotism, Or Love For Our Country
By Elmer
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 4:53pm
[sup]âŸâŸ âŸâŸ âŸ( see: Universal Hub — Fish: Why do Olympic opponents hate America? )[/sup]
By anon
Thu, 08/03/2017 - 9:18am
The description on the u tube
By anon
Thu, 08/03/2017 - 2:39pm
The description on the u tube page has air quotes. It was probably done as a deliberate (and successful) search topper, and also to get the real mayor's goat (success unknown).
Funny I was just thinking
By Jef Taylor
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 10:31am
Funny I was just thinking about how stupid Los Angeles is for signing up for another olympics, and how happy I am that we stopped it from coming to Boston.
LA's done it twice before
By Ron Newman
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 11:49am
and they're a huge city. They should be able to mostly reuse what they already have from the last two times.
They also wrangled
By blues_lead
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 12:15pm
They also wrangled concessions from the IOC. And have new and well-functioning trains and a great bus network.
Shirley Leung's Continued Employment Explained
By anon
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 10:38am
Question: How can she not have been canned? Answer: From the start, she was an instrument of an agenda from the top.
Somehow we thought that there might not be a gross conflict of interest, despite things like Yawkey Way and the corporate brand promotion, and despite very wealthy businessmen rubbing elbows in old boys clubs.
I'm calling time of death: they still have genuine journalists on staff, but the Globe is doomed. Someone fund a foundation and hire away the best remaining talent.
By anon²
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 10:40am
Move to LA and be done with it.
Gang violence is up this year and citizens are caught in the crossfire, and she's worried about this? Please. Go rich-fuck somewhere else.
By Stevil
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 10:47am
Mono- D'OH!
By RoseMai
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 3:12pm
Mono- D'OH!
It won't work
By noahproblem
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 3:30pm
Dunkin replaced the doughnut in their logo with a coffee cup years ago - there's no "emergency brake anchor holder" left in case of a monorail malfunction.
Not to mention we're only on the periphery of the total eclipse coming later this month. - there'll be enough sun to keep it going and not buy us any time.
Yes, let's entirely ignore the many cities that hosted
By MC Slim JB
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 10:51am
an Olympics and found themselves saddled afterward with hundreds of millions to billions in public debt and expensive, crumbling white elephants of buildings useful to nobody.
For once, Boston's citizenry managed to stand up to the tiny handful of monied interests that would have profited from this egregiously stupid boondoggle at the expense of everyone else, and told them to eff off: this is our effing city.
Bully for us, and another hearty Eff Off! to the Globe for continuing to prop up the corpse of this roundly debunked myth.
By johnmcboston
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 12:33pm
Let's save the 20/20 hindsight until the olympics actually happen. If LA loses billions, I'm sure the Globe won't be there saying it should have been Boston...
LA might actually be able to
By anon
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 2:50pm
LA might actually be able to turn a slim profit by using existing venues. That still doesn't mean Boston would have been able to do the same.
As for me, someone finding a way to make money off it still wouldn't make up for cutting down mature irreplaceable trees on the Common and filling it with sand for beach freaking volleyball. And the mayor signing away the first amendment rights of public employees without even reading the contract first. Hard pass thank you.
Almost forgot about that
By Will LaTulippe
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 3:29pm
For a registered Democrat, he's not very smart. He's got the disingenuous greed part down, though.
An Educated Populace
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 4:06pm
People around here know how to do research and think critically.
Which is something looting politicians of the neocon and neoliberal stripe don't like to come up against when they are trying to pull a con.
This is the kind of tone deaf
By Gaffin-Turkeys 2018
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 10:50am
This is the kind of tone deaf attempting to crap down your throat berating that results in people like Trump and maybe even Tito getting elected as a F---- You!11 from the electorate to 'their betters' in the political establishment, newsrooms, and country club/dinner party circuit.
Gaffin-Turkeys 2018
Hard news and liberty for a better Boston!
Yeah... I'm no great fan of
By anon
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 2:45pm
Yeah... I'm no great fan of Tito's but then I think about pulling the lever for Marty, who made it very clear how he feels about me and most of the city by calling us "six people on Twitter" and I just can't do that either. Whoever is Marty's closest opponent will get my vote, and I will worry about voting against the new clown later.
I'm not on Twitter, I've certainly never gotten embroiled in Olympics drama there, pro- or anti-, yet Mahty thinks he has me all figured out and I don't matter based on my feelings on a single issue.
There's no point voting for someone who explicitly says he does not and will never listen to your concerns.
By Bugs Bunny
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 11:04am
I get ill every time I come across the terms, "Walkable Olympics", "Midtown" or "John Fish"......The Olympics belong in LA.
Yes, let's learn.
By anon
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 11:04am
Next summer Olympics up for grabs is in 2032, and the hustle will begin what, 6 years from now?
That gives us six years to plan and pay for substantial public transportation upgrades in the city. If we can, in six years, dramatically improve subway, streetcar, bus, and commuter rail service... yeah, folks will sign on.
Fix the T first.
Better Idea
By cybah
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 1:01pm
Let's just skip the Olympics and fix the T anyways! Win Win for everyone.
By tofu
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 11:09am
"...soulless collection of squat glass towers..."
By u-hub-fan
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 11:16am
I [heart] u, Adam.
SERIOUSLY, Shirley, "NIMBY"?? That is so condescending and wrong
By jobart
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 11:39am
Seriously, NIMBY ?? How dare you, Shirley. That is so, so condescending and wrong. I guess I should not be shocked but I am. I shouldn't be so angry but I am. It shows Shirley truly does not understand that cities are supposed to support residents, not be a bragging point to the world or other cities. That's the only thing she can mean when she says World Class.
. NIMBY is when neighborhoods (usually upper and middle class) don't want a landfill or public housing or mental health or juvenile group homes near them, but are ok with those going to other neighborhoods (usually poorer and with less political clout).
It is not NIMBY for Boston residents, of all classes, to be against massive public spending on a private enterprise, taking money from Boston public services and displacing people and businesses.
. Was Shirley on the take from the IOC or Fish? It is truly bizarre that anyone who understands that the city has to pick up the tab for overruns could even consider the Olympics unless her interests aligned with those getting the profits rather than people who live here. Did she defend the Big Dig overruns also? I forget what she wrote on that subject.
. And it is not just 'rabid' people on U Hub. Across the city in other forums people care deeply about what is good for Boston and Boston residents and that is why the Olympics were defeated. Also of course, holding the bid in secret didn't help, but even if their PR had not been bad, it would just have given us more time to defeat it earlier.
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