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Let there be light


What better place to see a big thunderstorm roll in than the top of one of the highest points in the area?

Yes, I was an idiot; but at least I realized before the lightning began flashing along the Charles on the other side of Millennium Park that standing outside in a parking lot at the top of one of the highest points in the area was dumb even for me (and hey, I didn't get out the kite we have in the trunk). I came to this realization when I noticed the wind (and the anemometer atop the Port-a-potties) had suddenly stopped; I got back in the car just before the rain started smacking the roof.

Still, it was quite something to see. And right in the middle of it all, a hole opened up overhead and the sunlight came pouring through for a couple of minutes.

Then the hole closed up and I could look toward the Great Blue Hill and watch the black cloud coming in from the north mixing with the silvery cloud coming in from the south:


Over in Watertown, Teddy Kokoros heard thunder at the same time he saw lightning and that's never good.

Chris Fournier got caught downtown:

... Like deer in headlights we were trapped. What to do? No real place to wait it out. No cabs in sight. Let's make for the Haymarket T stop! Soaked by the time we made the short distance walk, we brazenly decided to skip the taxi and just ride the Green Line. Stupid! By the time we got to Lechmere the rain was coming down at a ridiculous pace. When I say ridiculous, I mean RIDICULOUS! I've been in bad weather, but I have never, ever been SOAKED like this before. ...

Some people were not impressed.

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That's one hint that you are about to be, like sooooo totally grounded by Mother Nature! I felt that once and only once. Certainly one of the most peculiar feelings one can ever experience or describe.

I had vacated the beach at Salisbury and was calling my cel phone to see if my husband had found shelter as he was on his bike. I was using a pay phone in the middle of a parking lot when I felt it: every last hair on my body stood on end. Creeepyy! Sensing danger and cursing myself for my stupidity, I immediately dove into the Volvo wagon and shut the door - just in time to see a pine tree about 30 or 40 feet away turn into toothpicks with an earsplitting pop!

When I finally tracked down my husband, after driving in circles for a while, it was near that parking lot. He had weathered the storm at a Dunkins. I asked him, as I slipped his bike into the back of the car, if he would kindly hang up the phone.

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SwirlyGrrl, you got to and into your car just in time, thank heavens, before you got burned to a crisp by the lightening!! Glad you're Ok.

Using one's cellphone in the middle of a parking lot during an electrical storm didn't help, I guess. Again, thank heavens you're Ok and safe, along with your husband.

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