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Millennium Park

By adamg - 9/12/24 - 3:25 pm
Sign reading: No grilling and no drinking

New sign, who dis?

On Monday, an outraged resident filed a 311 complaint about the goings on at the kayak launch on the Charles at Millennium Park - which is at the end of a fairly narrow path and surrounded by trees and brush: Read more.

By adamg - 9/6/24 - 9:50 am
Egret on the Charles River

On a walk in Millennium Park along the Charles yesterday morning, Mary Ellen's view changed from an egret (and hidden heron) in the calm, morning mist to the frenetic bounding of a pair of young deer: Read more.

By adamg - 8/27/24 - 10:55 pm
Sunset over the Charles River

Mary Ellen watched the sun go down over the Charles River from Millennium Park in West Roxbury this evening.

By adamg - 8/19/24 - 9:35 am
Black-crowned night herons keep a close watch at Millennium Park

Mary Ellen spotted a pair of black-crowned night herons keeping an eye out for coppers, or maybe just a big fish, at Millennium Park yesterday.

By adamg - 8/16/24 - 9:54 am
Yellow bird in yellow flowers

Mary Ellen somehow spotted a goldfinch among the golden flowers at Millennium Park in West Roxbury the other day.

By adamg - 8/7/24 - 10:19 pm
Changing leaves at Millennium Park

Mary Ellen spotted a too early sign of fall the other day at Millennium Park in West Roxbury.

By adamg - 7/7/24 - 11:40 am
Buck in Arnold Arboretum

Ryan spotted two huge deer in the Arnold Arboretum yesterday, one less camera shy than the other.

Mary Ellen reports admission was one buck at Millennium Park this morning: Read more.

By adamg - 6/24/24 - 1:06 pm
Slime mold in Millennium Park

Mary Ellen spotted something a little different the other day on one of her walks around Millennium Park in West Roxbury: A slime mold. Read more.

By adamg - 6/6/24 - 11:52 am
Sad looking turtle face

Mary Ellen reports that she and Dolly the Dog came across four egg-laying turtles along the Charles River in Millennium Park in West Roxbury yesterday (and that she and Dolly kept a good distance and didn't linger so as not to stress them).

By adamg - 6/5/24 - 10:31 pm
Green heron about to land on a tree at Millennium Park

Mary Ellen watched a green heron coming in for a landing at Millennium Park in West Roxbury the other day.

Once down, it quickly composed itself: Read more.

By adamg - 5/31/24 - 10:50 pm
Lupine at Millennium Park

Mary Ellen couldn't help but notice this lupine at Millennium Park in West Roxbury.

By adamg - 5/25/24 - 9:55 am
Acrobatics on a picnic bench at Millennium Park

Mary Ellen spotted somebody getting in some morning balance-beam work on one of the picnic benches at the top of Millennium Park in West Roxbury yesterday.

By adamg - 5/16/24 - 9:43 pm
Mushrooms on a tree at Millennium Park

Some bloomin' mushrooms on a tree at Millennium Park along the Charles River this afternoon, after the rain had stopped.

By adamg - 5/4/24 - 11:14 am
Young buck in the scrub at Millennium Park

The other morning, Mary Ellen spotted this buck at Millennium Park in West Roxbury. Read more.

By adamg - 4/27/24 - 10:04 pm
Plump warbler

Mary Ellen spotted a bunch of birds at Millennium Park yesterday, including this l'il plumper, otherwise known as a palm warbler.

And there's this common grackle, looking like something you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley, or, well, anywhere else: Read more.

By adamg - 4/15/24 - 1:50 pm
Snake at Millennium Park

A snake found some old concrete and asphalt chunks a good place to do some sunning at the kayak launch in Millennium Park in West Roxbury this afternoon.

By adamg - 4/14/24 - 2:27 pm
Blue grosbeak at Millennium Park

Mary Ellen spotted this blue grosbeak at Millennium Park in West Roxbury today.

By adamg - 3/30/24 - 6:20 pm
Bunny with lots of Easter eggs

Tim West reports kids at the athletic fields at the old West Roxbury High School had 20,000 Easter eggs to choose from at today's annual Parkway In Motion Easter-egg hunt.

By adamg - 3/24/24 - 8:57 pm
Wilson's snipe along the Charles River

Mary Ellen watched a pair of Wilson's snipes along some fast moving water at Millennium Park in West Roxbury today: Read more.

By adamg - 3/5/24 - 5:04 pm
Muskrat chowing down along the Charles at Millennium Park

Mary Ellen videoed a muskrat enjoying a hearty breakfast of the choicest roots at Millennium Park in West Roxbury this morning: Read more.

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