Purr Cat Cafe in Brighton temporarily closed, sign says
By adamg - 9/20/19 - 10:09 pm

Boston's first and only cat cafe, Purr Cat Cafe on Chestnut Hill Avenue in Brighton, is temporarily closed, according to a sign in the front door (photographed today by Marianna Foos) and the business's Web site.

The cafe, in which people can sit and pet or play with shelter cats, opened, after some controversy, in 2017.

By adamg - 1/17/19 - 11:11 am

NBC Boston reports the MSPCA will open distribution centers at its Jamaica Plain, Methuen and Centerville locations on Sunday morning to give bags of dog and cat food to federal workers who are no longer getting paid.

Missing cat
By adamg - 6/28/18 - 12:07 am

UPDATE: Cat's caretaker found; see comments.

George Morancy reports on a new visitor to his East Boston backyard; hopes the owner of the cat recognizes him: Read more.

By adamg - 6/9/18 - 6:56 pm

The Boston Fire Department reports a fire at 9 Perkins Ave. in Hyde Park did an estimated $150,000 in damage this afternoon. Read more.

By adamg - 10/6/17 - 12:11 pm

A cat cafe that was supposed to open on Chestnut Hill Avenue in Brighton last month now looks set to never open at all.

In a post today, Purr Cat Cafe owner Diane Kelly writes: Read more.

By adamg - 10/5/17 - 9:27 am

Jamaica Plain News reports MSPCA-Angell has taken in 34 cats rescued from an Irma-ravaged shelter in the Virgin Islands, which it'll adopt out after making sure they're OK.

Mike and Beast
By adamg - 9/5/17 - 9:11 am

TrueNE_79 reports that Curtis, a homeless man well known on either side of Fort Point Channel, has his Beast back. Beast had gone missing late last month, but:

Was found down in Seaport, leash wrapped around a tree...poor boy. Everyone's fine though.

By adamg - 9/3/17 - 9:54 pm

The Animal Rescue League of Boston reports that with the help of state troopers, it rescued a cat that somehow wound up inside the Ted Williams Tunnel. Read more.

Missing cat
By adamg - 8/29/17 - 11:46 am

TrueNE_79 reports that Curtis is looking for his lost Beast. The pair are normally a well known sight downtown.

Cat getting care outside Roxbury fire
By adamg - 4/23/17 - 1:16 pm

Boston firefighters and EMTs worked to save the life of a cat trapped inside a burning building in Roxbury this morning. Read more.

Cat on the Orange Line
By adamg - 4/13/17 - 4:58 pm

Marc Ebuña had some time for some selfie action on the inbound Orange Line just before Tufts Medical Center due to a disabled train somewhere ahead of him, his cat, and the other riders on the train around 4:20 p.m. As of 4:55 p.m., everything seemed clear, though.

Strollercat furor on the Red Line.

By adamg - 3/2/17 - 3:32 pm

The Real JDavis videoed these turkeys slowly circling a dead cat on a Randolph street this morning. Boston Magazine talks to a turkey expert to get answers on why.

Electricians with cat
By adamg - 1/4/17 - 12:14 pm

A cat that jumped out of a car on the upper deck of I-93 near Boston Sand and Gravel on Christmas day spent nine days in the pipework underneath it before she was rescued by electricians doing maintenance work yesterday. Read more.

By adamg - 12/28/16 - 11:24 pm

A fed-up citizen files a complaint about a woman who drives to Groom Street in her SUV every morning between 6 and 6:30 a.m. to feed the area's feral cats:

It's been going on for years and still she has not been discovered. The mess these cats do all over residential homes yet she does not clean it up.

By adamg - 12/14/16 - 9:31 am

The Zoning Board of Appeals yesterday gave unanimous approval to filling a long vacant, once fire ravaged block on Chestnut Hill Avenue with a place where people can spend an hour petting cats and then fill up on gyro and souvlaki. Read more.

By adamg - 11/3/16 - 10:33 pm

A local catrepreneur is hoping to wrangle support for a place on Chestnut Hill Avenue where people looking for some fuzzy affection could pet kitties for $15 an hour between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. Read more.

By adamg - 10/19/16 - 4:57 pm

The Dorchester Reporter alerts us to an outbreak of feline distemper along Walk Hill Street - and a vaccination effort to combat it.

By adamg - 9/23/16 - 1:12 pm

Steph gives us our first look at South Street's newest insurance cat. You may recall the previous insurance cat, Ivy, died last month.

By adamg - 9/8/16 - 9:43 pm

The Globe reports the Animal Rescue League is trying to figure it out. One cat is also dead.

By adamg - 8/24/16 - 8:01 pm

Jamaica Plain News reports the death of Ivy of Ivy Insurance on South Street.

Shamus Moynihan shows us the chalk remembrance for Insurance Cat.