By adamg - 6/18/16 - 10:05 am

Boston Restaurant Talk points us to this comment that Purr Therapy, which has been scouting locations in which to put a cafe where you can sip a latte while petting a cat, is close to signing a lease for space somewhere in Brighton.

Hair elastics on cat's X-ray
By adamg - 3/12/16 - 1:23 pm
Kitty the cat

The MSPCA reports a Siamese cat named Kitty had successful surgery to remove 14 hair elastics from his stomach and intestines.

The society reports Kitty's owner, who was already trying to find another home for the rubber-mad feline, rushed him to Angell Animal Medical Center in Jamaica Plain after discovering numerous hair ties were missing - and the cat showing signs of distress: Read more.

By adamg - 3/2/16 - 12:39 pm

The City Council today unanimously approved an ordinance that will prohibit pet stores from selling puppies, kittens and rabbits from from so-called puppy mills - and which will bar the sale of pets from the back of trucks in parking lots and the side of the road. Read more.

Missing kitten
By adamg - 3/1/16 - 12:12 am

Be on the lookout: Steve reports that after his place at W. 5 and E streets was broken into, "one of our kittens got out."

Hope the dog at Boston City Council hearing on puppy mills
By adamg - 2/29/16 - 2:45 pm

The Boston City Council could vote as early as Wednesday on a proposed and now fast-tracked measure that would ban pet stores from selling puppies, kittens and rabbits raised by large commercial breeders - and ban everybody from selling pets by the side of the road. Read more.

By adamg - 2/21/16 - 10:55 pm

Jamaica Plain News reports that Councilor Matt O'Malley (Jamaica Plain, West Roxbury) plans to seek an ordinance that would prohibit pet stores in Boston from selling dogs, cats and rabbits.

Bertie the stubby-tailed cat lost in Roslindale
By adamg - 11/27/15 - 10:21 am

Chris Kollett forwards a copy of a flier that went up around Roslindale recently.

Daisy Razor reports a black cat has been hanging around her yard near the West Roxbury quarry of late.

Bunny on the Blue Line
By adamg - 11/6/15 - 4:30 pm

UPDATE: Transit Police remind silly rabbits that seats are for kids.

Tamas K-L noticed the fuzzy family (a bunny and two cats, plus their human tenders) hurtling towards Wonderland this afternoon. No word if the woman is named Alice or if the rabbit was late.

Bunny on the B Line.

Sign warning about the dark fort in Jamaica Plain
By adamg - 6/12/15 - 8:27 am

Katie Merrill spotted this sign on a Jamaica Plain lawn on her way to the T this morning.

Turtle the cat, lost in Roslindale
By adamg - 5/24/15 - 10:24 pm

UPDATE: Cat returned home. Turtle the indoor cat managed to sneak out of her house on Mendum Street by the Arboretum overnight.

She's a silver tabby, with black stripes and white underside; very friendly with no collar.

By adamg - 5/13/15 - 3:58 pm

A teenager was ordered held without bail today on charges he sliced up at least two cats behind an abandoned house on Mt. Everett Street. Read more.

Old kitty litter
By adamg - 5/10/15 - 8:45 am

An outraged citizen in West Roxbury complains:

Someone is dumping USED cat litter in sewer at corner of Lasell and Temple Sts. This has been going on for months.

Cat with space saver
By adamg - 2/17/15 - 9:02 am

You know it's bad when even the cats are getting in the act. Chumley shows us Willow and the warmest space saver in all of Jamaica Plain.

Snowbound on Beacon Hill
By adamg - 2/15/15 - 10:21 am

Kathleen O'Donnell watched her kitty watching the snow on Beacon Hill this morning.

Cat on the sidewalk in the South End of Boston
By adamg - 8/28/14 - 11:09 pm

Roving UHub photographer Jed Hresko happened upon this bucolic scene this afternoon on Pembroke Street.

By adamg - 9/25/13 - 1:09 pm

A cafe where you can pet and gaze at cats while you sip your latte, not a place for cats to enjoy mouse smoothies, that is.

I'm a young entrepreneur looking to start a cat cafe in the U.S. I'm very serious about this and determined to have be created by the end of 2013 in Boston, Massachusetts. I've had this idea for a while now ever since learning about them through the internet a couple of years ago.

Cat cafes are a type of small restaurant originating in Japan where patrons can eat meals and have beverages in the company of felines.

And then, once it's up and running, somebody could open a puppy cafe.

H/t, David Harris.

By adamg - 7/16/13 - 9:21 am

Spatch begins to say good bye to Abbie, his friend of 16 years.