Boston firefighters responded to 65 Cornell St. for a fire shortly before 8:10 p.m.
The fire started in the wall and eaves on one side of the two-story, single-family home. The fire was reported knocked down at 8:23 p.m. No reports of injuries.
Boston firefighters responded to 65 Cornell St. for a fire shortly before 8:10 p.m.
The fire started in the wall and eaves on one side of the two-story, single-family home. The fire was reported knocked down at 8:23 p.m. No reports of injuries.
Update: The big silver ball was found in a yard on Beryl Street.
A Roslindale resident is seeking help today finding a lawn ornament, "a large silver ball, bigger than a basketball" that blew away in the wind last night. So if you're anywhere near the Mozart School, like Beryl Street, Cornell Street or Havana Street, keep an eye out for one of those Christmastime silver balls.
A Roslindale resident photographed the contents of the Easter egg she found on a neighbor's property at Cornell and Walworth streets in Roslindale this evening.
Earlier eggs:
Anti-semitc | Anti-Asian and anti-Wu.
WFXT reports a 34 driver will be getting a stern talking to from his bosses after a motorist gave the station some video showing him or her reacting to getting cut off on Washington Street at Wellsmere Road in Roslindale by just continuing to go down Washington and right through a red light at Cornell Street.
Firefighters with a ladder truck rescued a tree trimmer today after the hydraulics on his bucket failed and he got stuck near the crown of a mature tree in a yard on Cornell Street in Roslindale. Read more.
Boston Police report raiding 133 Cornell St., near Kittridge, around 9 a.m. today and seizing 70 grams of cocaine and a whole lot of cash: More than $60,000. Peter Akara, 36, was charged with trafficking Class B drugs, police say.
Innocent, etc.
Chris Dunn shows us the scene on Metropolitan Avenue in Hyde Park around 7:30 p.m. Around the same time, on the other side of the train tracks, in Roslindale, a car went up in flames on Cornell Street between Poplar and Kittredge.
A couple months ago, a developer tore down two single-family homes on Cornell Street in Roslindale to build four townhouses. But it turns out there's this giant boulder right in the middle. Last night or today, somebody put a couple of giant googly eyes on it - alas, one of them has since fallen off.
H/t Michelle.
Boston Police report officers investigating why a car was parked facing the wrong way on Cornell Street at Colberg Avenue Friday afternoon wound up arresting the driver on gun charges and his passenger on drug charges.
Police say that when the officers approached the car around 3:45 p.m., the two people inside were "moving in such a way as if to suggest or indicate either drug usage or a drug transaction."
Look what popped up outside 185 Cornell St. in Roslindale this week.
"If you take a book, you do not need to return it," the sign atop the box says. "If you leave a book, it is for anyone to take."
Jamaica Plain already has several libraries in a box.