As a resident of Boston for twenty-eight years, I’ve had Stephen Lynch as my representative in Congress for ten. During that time:
The Herald declares "experts stunned" that Barney Frank announced he's running for re-election in 2012, then fails to actually quote any experts expressing their shocked amaze
Like the dining room table, a reporter for some conservative Web site learns Barney Frank doesn't think much of gotcha attempts:
Barney Frank spent much of his victory speech last night complaining about Republicans, added: "Massachusetts has reaffirmed the complete political irrelevance of the Boston Herald." A Republican operative who writes a column for the Herald retorts: I'm irrelevant? You're irrelevant!
WBUR sums up the blue wave that swept Massachusetts. At Blue Mass. Group, David sees in the Massachusetts vote an answer to the Tea Party wave:
Sean Bielat and Ken Buck can't help being politically opportunistic election year gay-baiters -- they were born that way. (03:08)
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Indecision 2010 - Revenge of the Fallen - Sean Bielat & Ken Buck<a> | ||||
Video of a debate between Frank and his oppponent in the Sept. 14 primary, Rachel Brown.
Won't run for Kerry's Senate seat, thinks voters should get to pick Kerry replacement if Kerry leaves.
The Tab reports that Barney Frank has two opponents in November: Your standard-variety Republican and Brookline resident Susan Allen, who blames the CIA for the World Trade Center attack, wants both McCain and Obama indicted, and hates the Guardian Angels. Earlier this year, she was unsuccessful in an effort to convince Brookline Town Meeting to pay workers in gold and silver, rather than in U.S. currency, and says the federal income tax is illegal.
Barney Frank explains his position on decriminalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana.
Guess nobody else was around, so Barney Frank got to serve as speaker of the house for a bit and give some Republicans an idea of what it used to be like to be a Democrat:
Barney Frank speaks at Brandeis and Dani B. is there to pose some tough questions about Iran. He concludes: