By adamg - 1/10/25 - 9:15 am

Boston firefighters responded to the Stony Brook Orange Line station around midnight after smoke began filling the station from a fire on the outbound tracks. Read more.

By adamg - 9/30/24 - 11:31 am

Boston Police report arresting a man they say stalked and then robbed a man who had left the Stony Brook Orange Line stop around 8:50 p.m. on Sunday - by following GPS signals from his victim's phone. Read more.

By adamg - 12/30/22 - 11:04 pm

An Orange Line train died near Stony Brook, and the T reports delays of up to 15 minutes. 15 minutes?

Small Wake Up the Earth
By adamg - 5/2/20 - 12:53 pm

Spontaneous Celebration's annual festival in the Southwest Corridor Park at Stony Brook, originally set for today, was, of course, postponed this year, but Michael Spicher discovered a few people still showed up for a "quick and socially distanced" festival.

Vendors who would have been there, offering their wares online.

By adamg - 6/30/19 - 4:27 pm

The MBTA shut power on the Orange Line in the area of Stony Brook around 4:05 p.m. after receiving word a shirtless, shoeless man had gotten onto the tracks and was ambling around. Transit Police arrived and managed to convince Shoeless Joe that was not the best of ideas, got him back up on the platform and radioed in that the power could go back on and service resume, around 4:20 p.m.

New monument to Stony Brook, creek that runs under the Arborway at Forest Hills
By adamg - 6/18/19 - 9:38 am

One of the finishing touches for the new Arborway roads at Forest Hills is this monument to Stony Brook, a Charles River tributary that now flows almost entirely underground from Hyde Park to the Charles, as Arborway chronicler Clay Harper shows us.

Stony Brook: Boston's Stygian river.

Tall woman at Wake the Earth in Jamaica Plain
By adamg - 5/4/19 - 8:14 pm

The rain mostly held off for Spontaneous Celebrations's annual Wake the Earth festival on the Southwest Corridor in Jamaica Plain today, although the fields were pretty smushy. Read more.

Stony Brook tunnel being dug through solid rock
By adamg - 8/20/18 - 10:09 am

Boston was in the middle of one of those winter thaws we always seem to get: From a low of -7 on Feb. 5, the temperature shot up to 55 on Feb. 9, National Weather Service records show. On Feb. 10, with the temperature still a relatively balmy 40, rain started around 7:45 a.m. And then it kept coming. Read more.

By adamg - 2/12/18 - 11:38 am

The deceased inbound train is good for "minor" delays on the Orange Line, the MBTA reports.

By adamg - 12/11/17 - 8:56 am

The MBTA reports "minor" delays from a desiccated Orange Line train at Stony Brook.

Wanted for assault with a knife in Jamaica Plain
By adamg - 4/4/17 - 2:25 pm

Transit Police report they are looking for a man involved in an incident on an Orange Line train that had pulled into Stony Brook station around 5:30 p.m. on March 27. Read more.

By adamg - 2/2/17 - 2:26 pm
Carmelo Maldonado

Transit Police report they are looking for Carmelo Maldonado, 50, of points unknown, for stealing at least three bikes from the Stony Brook stop on the Orange Line.

If you see him (click the link for additional photos), contact detectives at 617-222-1050, or send an anonymous text tip to 873873.

By adamg - 1/18/17 - 12:12 am

KStephen Snider took a photo of a hawk near the Stony Brook T stop yesterday morning. Nothing too unusual about that these days, but the hawk has black bands around its legs, attached to straps of the sort a hawk or falcon owner might have attached.

Hula hooping to music at Jamaica Plain's Wake Up the Earth festival
By adamg - 5/7/16 - 6:17 pm

Parades from both ends of Jamaica Plain converged today, as they do every May, to march to the Southwest Corridor for the neighborhood's annual Wake Up the Earth festival in front of Stony Brook station, where residents converged for arts, music, progressive politics and all sorts of food and stuff to buy - as well as the usual ad-hoc slide for kids down one hillside.

J.S. Hummel spotted some of the many musicians in the parade: Read more.

Dead Orange Line train at Stony Brook
By adamg - 5/4/16 - 7:20 am

Suddenly finding himself with no way to go further north than Stony Brook around 6:20 a.m., Todd Cosentino had plenty of time to photograph the flatlined Orange Line train at Stony Brook. The T says service has since resumed.

UPDATE, 8:30 a.m. Jen Vesp reports: "FYI, the Orange Line is an absolute nightmare this morning. I've only been waiting 50 minutes to fit on a train."

By adamg - 3/4/16 - 3:00 pm

Around 2:50 p.m.

A train is being held in the station, its doors closed, passengers inside.

By adamg - 9/30/15 - 11:54 am

Transit Police have posted photos of a guy who rode up to Stony Brook station on a bicycle Monday morning, went to the bike rack and stole a tire off another bike.

By adamg - 9/15/15 - 8:50 pm

Collin Fedor thought they were great, wonders if anybody knows who they are.

By adamg - 6/15/15 - 12:50 pm

A man already wanted for various crimes was charged with another early Saturday: Knocking over a vending machine at the Stony Brook stop on the Orange Line, Transit Police report.

A surveillance video shows Dayquan Hardy, 22, apparently being quite happy with his work - possibly because he knows he's cheated death by vending-machine crushing. Read more.