Chris Rich photographed the filming of establishing shots for an ABC Family series in Inman Square today, even as it rained.
Copyright Chris Rich. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.
Chris Rich photographed the filming of establishing shots for an ABC Family series in Inman Square today, even as it rained.
Copyright Chris Rich. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.
Cambridge Police report the man who's been sticking up convenience stores in the Boston area over the past few months, struck again around 9 p.m. on Monday at a Cambridge Street convenience store.
Somerville Patch reports a Papa John's delivery guy was arrested on charges of trying to run somebody down in Inman Square - after
The Herald reports police followed signals from a GPS device slipped into some money taken in an Inman Square bank robbery to a 91 bus in Somerville - and arrested the
Erin is now in DC, but still pines for the All Star Sandwich Bar in Inman Square - so much so that when she checked out their specials from afar the other day, she was forced to
Wicked Local Cambridge reports some Woburn guy was arrested on animal-cruelty charges when he was spotted stuffing a pigeon into plastic bags in Inman Square. No word on his plans for the oven-stuffer roasters birds.
Hey, what's say we block off part of Inman Square and turn it into a tropical wildlife refuge for a week? Wouldn't that be cool?
MenuPages Boston reports on the summer opening of Trina's Starlite Lounge, which will serve "Southern-influenced bar food and cocktails in a 1940s/50s-inspired room."
Cambridge Police report the Quick Mart on Cambridge Street was held up shortly before midnight:
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