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Revere Beach

By adamg - 9/1/08 - 9:39 pm
not crowded

There was plenty of room on Revere Beach down by Kelly's this afternoon.

By adamg - 7/19/08 - 10:41 pm

Mike01905 posts photos from the Revere Beach sand sculpting festival.

Kerry Anne took some photos, too, then passed out from heat exhaustion:

... But, fortunately for me, a gentleman from the building I was curled up by came out and brought me inside to get some much needed air conditioning and water. ...

More photos.

By adamg - 4/27/08 - 7:16 pm

The Lone Rider reports the second new train has gone into service on the Blue Line - and provides updates on train painting/refurbishing on the other lines.

Meanwhile, Joey, new to the US, reports on a fun day at Revere Beach today - which ended at the Blue Line station where she watched a guy beat up a cop and two strangers jump onto the tracks to pull up a drunk guy who'd fallen there:

... I thought that was so brave! Luckily there was no train approaching otherwise it could have ended in a nightmare...what a day!

By adamg - 7/15/07 - 6:54 pm

Sissy Willis posts photos of the giant sand sculptures at Revere Beach - and a roast-beef sandwich from Kelly's.

By adamg - 6/23/07 - 7:37 pm
Nobody to save

It was a slow day today for the lifeguards at Revere Beach, where cooler temperatures and brisk winds kept most people away.

By adamg - 7/16/06 - 5:53 pm

Snowboard Bunny takes pictures at the sand sculpting competition. People afraid of dentists might want to skip over this one.

By fibrowitch - 6/19/06 - 2:12 pm

Now that summer is in full force, the local beach has a growing population of family groups, and collections of teens. The parents are here to watch their children discover the beach. Play in the sand, dig to china, doing battle with the waves, just being a child. For summer is the best of times to be a child. The days are open to explore the world, to increase their understanding of life. Full of unstructured play, if they are lucky, over structured schedules if not. In a way, I think these children are the lucky ones. Some one cares enough about them to let them do nothing for a time. As yet, the visitors do not outnumber the seagulls, but that time might come.

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