A man who says he was just chilling one night at Cavan Cafe, 1406 Hyde Park Ave. in Hyde Park, when an entire family lined up, rushed him and beat him up, leaving him with two broken eye sockets and two broken ribs on Oct. 1, police, the Cavan's bartender and the victim himself told the Boston Licensing Board this morning. Read more.
Update: Board concludes Cavan Cafe did nothing wrong.
A man who got married on June 23 agreed to go out with a friend for a celebratory drink that night. They wound up at the Cavan Cafe, 1464 Hyde Park Ave. in Hyde Park - where the two got stabbed in the parking lot by a guy who followed them out after they left, not long after they arrived, then decided to call it a night. Read more.
Four "large" guys got into a fight inside the Cavan Cafe on Hyde Park Avenue in Hyde Park in May that left one man stabbed - and then shot at as a pal tried to rush him to the hospital - police and the Cavan's bartender told the Boston Licensing Board this morning. Read more.